Friday, 20 January 2023

Friday and more to come!

I had to get up early this morning and get onto the computer as the inbox looked pretty full.  I'll be out most of the day so I wanted to get as much done before I start my busiest day of the week!!!

The first in this morning is Annna who says

"Ecco il mio 4 giorno. Grazie ancora e buonanotte
Here is my 4th day. Thanks again and good night"

Thank you, Annna.

Annna is closely followed by Wanda who has this to say

"Hi, Jane. We'll, I don't think it looks like an elephant holding flowers any more . No guesses today. Wanda"

The next two came in together from Pamela and Jackie. The message is

"Pamela and Jackie and we don’t have a clue!"

Kaylyn is next with her day 4 and she says

Well, maybe a leg and the bottom hem of a skirt? Or an umbrella?

Heidi has just joined in the fun and chaos (well, chaos at this end of the web). I LOVE her guess in the drawing. She says

"Hi Jane,
I love tatting along with everyone and playing the guessing game. Here's my take, the shape fits well to the picture don't you think?

Next to drop into my inbox is Antonia who says

"Hi Jane
TGI Friday. Day 4 done and get it out of my way. No idea what sort of creature it is. Maybe related to something Medieval.
The sun is coming up. I am playing lawn bowls tomorrow. Glad that the rink is undercover and not to worry about possible storm or rain.
Have a good weekend everyone.

Hope the weather is kind to you even if you're under cover.

Maria is next in the inbox and she says

"The Thing is a mystery .
So mysterious that it didn’t show in the previous email
Maria "

Oh dear - but it's here now, Maria.

Judith has arrived now with her day 4 and she has been having problems with her emu!!!

"Hi, Jane.
Ouch! Grunt! My emu is trying gymnastics this morning. Obviously not a regular habit.
Do we have any ice?

I'll go and find some, Judith but it might've melted by the time it gets to you!!!

Marla is next with her day 4 and she says

"For better or worse here is my day 4…. Not really the direction I expected but …. I would expect nothing else from you!
The real question is…. What’s next! "

Good question but sadly I'm not answering, Marla!!!

Liz is next and this is what she has to say!!

"Thanks for all you do Jane Rita we may have crossed paths. We were stationed in Whidbey Island. Lived up on the hill on Marie way overlooking the water. It is such a small world!!!
I still think this will be a dragon.

Irene is the penultimate email in this morning's inbox and she has this to say

"Good morning Jane,
Here's my Day's starting to get really it a leg or ?
West coast of Canada"

I'm not saying, Irene!!!!!  I'm MEAN!!!

Finally it's Teresa who's arrived and this is her comment.

"Well, Jane,
I'm a little late getting to Day 4. I have been wearing my PTG and TAT Coordinator hats today ... after I watched the ManCity & Tottenham match. That second half was a real barn burner!
I still won't hazard a gues as four days into this year's project is still way too early for my poor feeble BC3."

Glad you enjoyed the football - something I really don't know a thing about!!!  

Just before heading out down town to the market Marie popped up in my inbox so / I thought I’d sort hers out before leaving. She says

“ Hello Jane,
Here is my day 4. Here we are with a snail that has a tail now !!!
Have a good day.

Just popped home for a quick lunch before heading out again to find Marco sitting in my inbox. She says

“Hello,here is day 4
Still no clue.
Greetings Marco
I still think this will be a dragon.”

Finally back home to find Jacee next in my inbox. She says

“Dear Jane,
Here's my Day 4 and as usual, no guess.

Mary Jane has sent in her day 4 with the following comment

“Pretty leg. Now see what goes with it Fun game. Can’t wait till day 5 nowMary Jane. Indiana USA”

Jolimama from Hungary is back again with her day 4 and she says

“Kedves Jane! Küldöm a 4. napot :-) 
Nem szoktam találgatni, hogy mi lehet, kíváncsian várom, hogy alakul. 

Dear Jane! I will send the 4th day :-) I don't usually guess what could happen, I'm curious to see how it turns out“

Aonghas and his servant are back!!! It’s a good job that Kay Lynn is there to do the typing etc. They say

“Dearest Jane,
Well, we've looked at this new tatting addition to TIAS, but are clueless. We know some have mentioned an elephant. I like elephants, so that would be fun. My elephants, "Ellie and Dododalla" are in this photo with me. Another tatter mentioned a giraffe....and I like Gilbert the Giraffe too.... so those would be fun to tat, but we're just not sure about anything at this point. You're being quite tricky as usual, and we guess we'll have to wait for further installments. 
We are SO enjoying seeing tatters join the fun from all over the globe!
Aonghas and his "servant", Kay Lynn”

Well Julie has changed her mind!!! Here’s what she has to say now

“Day 4. No to the banjo idea. Now I am feeling a butterfly vibe.”

Now Anne Marie has arrived and this is what she has to say

“Hello Jane Here is my Day 4 of this appreciated TIAS !
I think my giraffe 's leg is transformed in elephant trunk ...It's magic !
I'll read you soon with great pleasure.
Anne-Marie ( France)”

From a leg to a trunk? That’s clever!!!

To prove her comments Margaret has sent in two pictures!!! She says

“Hi Jane, Though I am still hopeful of an elephant, I am also (as you can see) considering the possibility of a snail - am I allowed two guesses at the same time? Margaret”

You are allowed as many guesses as you like, Margaret!!!  Not as if I’m going to say they’re right or not!!!  I’ll keep you all guessing as long as I can!!

Now a warm welcome to Sharren who has just joined us with her four days all in one email!! This is what she says

“Off to an interesting start this year! Let the guesses commence!
Day 1: Not a clue
Day 2: A bowling ball is shown in slow motion as it rolls down the alley and strikes the head pin (not a strike, I'm afraid - must try again and aim better)
Day 3: A tomato hornworm that, after a disastrous haircut, went for a drink...and now has a hangover (big head)
Day 4: A carrot pulled up too soon as it's so tiny 
I'm looking forward to Day 5! What will it become??
Tatting in South Carolina, USA”

Wow, Sharren, you’ve certainly been thinking hard about this!!!

Lindy is next to arrive and she has this to say

“Hi Jane, 
Day 4, the longer I look at it, the less I know what it is going to be. Curious for the next part.

I’m finding the same, Lindy. The more I look at it the less I can see how it’s going to turn out and that’s a bit silly as it’s my idea!!!!

Arlene has just popped into my inbox and this is her comment along with her picture

“I did day 4 last night, but wasn't able to email it. Here it is today. Today, I think it's a lion.
Arlene M
Durham, NC, USA”

A lion sounds very plausible.  

Pam has caught me just before I head to bed!!! This is what she says

Done with day 4. Ready for day 5. Ok. Not a hippo. A caterpillar carrying a valentine?
I think I pulled his tail too tightly. 

I think his ‘tail’ will sort itself out after day 5 on Sunday, Pam!

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