Sunday 31 January 2021

Sunday's arrivals

Before I start I must add (and will amend the day 10 too) that it would be better to use the lighter thread to start day 10. Sorry - forgot to point that out.

First in today is Rose Anne and this is what she says

"Hmmmm now that Day 9 is complete, a halfway finished TIAS, I'm back to my swimming beaver or maybe a skunk guess. Maybe the second part will be building of the body around the no picot part adding 2 eyes and a nose at the end before finishing the body off? Jane is so sneaky with her blog comments.
Rose Anne Burdeny
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada 

Have you got into my brain, Rose Anne? It could be that BUT there again it's probably something entirely different!!!

Next in is Judy who simply says

Waiting for #10.. Maybe it is a brim of a hat..a snail...etc"

The brim of a hat is a good idea, Judy.  I wonder!!!

Christine has arrived with her day 9 and this is what she says

"Hello Jane!
Here is my progress on Day 9. I have no idea what it is!
To give the whats-it some company, I included my progress on the Valeire Square. It is my homework for the Online Tatting Class. Pattern from Anna Valeire Book #3, 1917.
I did notice that the insertion at the bottom of page 12 looks a lot like the beginning of our TIAS! Still doesn't help me figure out what we are making, though...
Have a great day! :)
-Christine in Alabama"

I'll take a closer look later, Christine.

Next to arrive is Bernice who says

"Mine won’t lay straight and I have  suspicions about those two VSP on the end.  Can hardly wait to see what you have up your sleeve. Shuttles are wound and bead ready.



Mary Jane has just arrived with her day 9. This is what she thinks!!!

"Hello Jane. I think it is a woolly worm. Waiting to give him his eyes.
Mary Jane. Indiana USA"

Claire is next and she says

"Hello Jane, 
Very happy to have been the first in your inbox yesterday. 
Just when I thought I was finally catching up, you published the next day... Oh well, we will try again tomorrow. 
Now, the current lace makes me think of the feet of a large penguin, but it will be too large of a project for a TIAS I believe. 
I guess we will find out pretty soon. 

You will, Claire.  You will!!!

Catrin is the last in my inbox at the moment and she says

"Morning Jane,
So not a Lobster, then what? This is day 9 done and dusted although I had to do since fandangling in the penultimate chain as, contrary to my usual problem of too much thread left over, I was a couple of inches short on shuttle 1. I'll measure properly for the next stage !
Enjoy your Sunday.

Well your fandangling worked well and you got there, Catrin!!!

I was just walking away from the computer when Stephanie popped in. This is her comment

"Hi Jane!
DH is sticking with his squirrel guess, and I’ve thrown out my sea turtle guess. Still puzzling over the whatsis. I’m starting to wonder if maybe a certain person is right and it IS some sort of beaversquirrel.
Still having fun, still haven’t got a clue.
Have a terrific weekend.
Big hug!

Tatiana is next with her lovely drawing too.  She says

 Bonjour Jane,

Je reste sur l'idée de l'escargot...
Le fil pour le jour 10 doit être plus fin, et d'une autre couleur ?

Tatiana de France Hello Jane, I remain on the idea of the snail ... The thread for day 10 must be thinner, and of a different color? Thank youTatiana from France

No, the thread is the same size as the rest and I’d use the lighter colour.  Same colour as the middle of the last part. Hope you understand.

Next to arrive is Carol who says

 Dear Jane:
H m m m m .... could this be something crawling around in the garden?   Perhaps when we continue with another piece (Day 10) our bookmark will shape into something else!
Always, Carol
blogging as Lelia at Stitches of Life

Sorry, Carol but you’re going to have to wait and see!!!

Janet is next to arrive and she says

 Hi Jane, before day 10 tias I will have to search for  beads.  I have not used them in Tatting. Usually  i have made a picot.  My guess was an octopus but now I’ll just wait and see. All good Tatting wishes, Janet

You’ll be fine, Janet - I’ll talk you through!!!

Next to arrive is Valerie.  She has this to say

 Bonjour Jane,
Voici mon avancée au 9 jours.
Je pense a une brosse à cheveux. 
Bonne fin de journée 
Valerie de France 

Hello Jane, Here is my progress at 9 days. I am thinking of a hairbrush. Good evening Valerie from France”

That’s a really good guess, Valerie.  But I’m not sure it is a hairbrush!!!

KatieV is back with her little ‘gang’ of day 9’s.  She says

 Hi, Jane,
Well, here is my collection of Whatsits.  They are curious to find out what they are!  So am I!
Happy Sunday!
Looking for a little hint soon!
Katie V in NC USA”

Looking for a hint?  You know me better than that, KatieV.  I NEVER give hints!!!!

Saturday 30 January 2021

It’s arrived!

 Day 9 can be found here.

First in today with her day 7 is Claire who says

"Hello Jane, Here is a picture of my day 7. 
I am afraid that I don't have any new guesses this time.  I will "wait and see". 
Claire (BC, Canada)

First again with a new day (day, obviously!) is Jenni with her guess.  She says

"Hi Jane,
Today's offering comes to you courtesy of Ben and Jen Adventures......
We started with afternoon tea at Glenrowan, the site of Ned Kelly's last stand.
Home journey consisted of a game of coin navigation where a coin was flipped at each intersection we came to in order to decide which way to go.....
So here we are, sitting outside a pizza shop in Wangaratta while I participate in my obsession!
A fox......definitely a fox....."

That sounds like a great game.  Unfortunately we're still in lockdown and aren't allowed to go places.  The weather would put you off here at the moment too. Rain, rain and more rain. 
A fox?  That's an interesting idea.  I wonder!!!

Next to arrive is Fiona with her day 8 and her comment is

"Hi Jane
Here is my day 8. It is possible we are making a question mark  ? 
Looking forward to day 9. 
Fiona "

I wonder.  I think day 9 will show you the answer!!!

Next in with her day 9 is Jane who says

"Hi Jane, 
A half-shaved mustache perhaps? "

Well it could be, Jane!! Perhaps!!

Maureen is next with her day 9.  This is her comment!!!

"Well that was a bit fiddly at the end! I don’t think it looks like a lizard anymore, nor a camel, so here is a picture of it draped over my grandmother’s 130 year old cowrie shell. It was given to her as a small child, and she used it to teach me to darn invisibly.
It remains one of my most precious possessions.
Maybe Day 10 will begin to solve the puzzle."

I bet it is, Maureen.

Next into my inbox is Erzsebet who has this to say

“ Hello Jane 9.nap Most már ez bármi lehet. Magyarországról Erzsébet. 
Hello Jane Day 9 Now it can be anything. About Hungary Erzsébet.”

That’s right, Erzsebet - it could be anything!!!

Jolimamma is the next to arrive in my inbox.  She says

 Kedves Jane! Köszönöm  a  9. napot 😉 Még mindig nem találgatok, várom a folytatást. 
Jolimama  Magyarország
Dear Jane! Thanks for Day 9 😉 I’m still not guessing, looking forward to the sequel. Jolimama Hungary“

Mariya is next with her day 8 and she says

 Hey Jane,

I'm super slow in catching up with the clues schedule - usually I make all weekly clues at once 😂 The more I look at this pattern we tat, the more it looks like a butterfly body! ”

It’s going to be a big butterfly, Mariya!!!

Next in my inbox is Sylvie who says

“Hi Jane, Today is very rainy in France so I’m happy to tate day9.
I think it is perhaps a butterfly...a big butterfly 🦋
Happy week-end !
See you next week 

It’s rained all day here too, Sylvie. 

Oh dear Marie-Claude has made me laugh yet again with her giraffe.  She says

 Oh thank you Jane, now I can catch these delicious leaves on the top of a very tall tree!!!
The giraffe

LOVE your drawing.  Brilliant.

Next to arrive is Ildiko and she says

 Hello Jane, 9. nap feladata elkészült, szerintem a jobb oldali rész, ahol a két pici pikó van, az az eleje egy állatnak. Be kell fejezni, el kell dolgozni a szálat?
szép estét ildikó
Hello Jane, the task of day 9 is done, I think the part on the right where the two little piques are is the beginning of an animal. Need to finish, need to work the thread? nice evening weddin“

Thank you, Ildiko.  You could be right but you could be wrong!!!

Agi is next and she sounds puzzled too!  She says

 Dear Jane!
The first part is done. But I don't know, what will be. :)

A newcomer to TIAS 2021 has just arrived.  It’s Barbara from Poland.  She says

 Witaj Jane!
Przybywam na zabawę bardzo spóźniona, ale mam wszystkie 9 dni zrobione. Dnia 5-tego zapomniałam zrobić zdjęcie. Zdjęcia z mojej pracy z TIAS.
Nie wiem co to będzie; może żyrafa, albo lis. A najbliżej chyba skrzydło wiatraka..
Pozdrawiam ciepło ze śniegiem pokrytej Polski.
Barbara Słodka

Hello Jane!
I come to play very late, but I have done all the nine days. On the 5th day I forgot to take a picture. Pictures of my work with TIAS.
I don't know what it will be; maybe a giraffe or a fox. And the windmill wing is probably the closest ...
Warm greetings with snow covered Poland. 

Welcome Barbara - good to see you.  

Melanie is next with her day 9.  This is what she says

 Hi Jane-
It was such a glorious morning that I just now got to my shuttles. Mayhaps I'm influenced by my choice of colors, but I 'magine we be tattin' a parrot 🦜
Enjoy your night,

Could be a parrot, Melanie.  Could be!!!

Next person to drop into my inbox is Donna who is feeling silly!!  She says

Felt like being silly, my usual state!
Could it be an earmuff or headband? Or maybe a tadpole?
Love all the entries, guesses and your wonderful replies  Jane!
DO Take Care!
Donna T.”

That’s not silly, Donna.  It could be the answer - even a tadpole.  Now I’m not saying it IS the answer but it could be!!

This is the final addition to today’s post as it’s my bedtime.  The comment and picture come from Kay Lynn who says

 Dearest Jane,
No rain here (nor will there be for many months); it's in the negative 30's below zero, and it was -40 degrees F. earlier in the week, so we suffer from frozen brains!   Here's Aonghas's egotistical contribution for the day.  (We must forgive him, as he's a show dog and a puppy; they tend to be egotistical.  Ha!)
Kay Lynn & Aonghas in Interior Alaska”

What a lovely relaxed picture of Aonghas today.  No guesses from you two?

Goodnight world - see you tomorrow morning.