Monday, 24 January 2022

Day 6

 Here’s the link for Day 6.  

First in this morning and with a SUPER picture is Andrea with her guess. This is what she has to say

"Hi Jane, Day 5 and another guess ... I think I may have a herd of seahorses. To be honest this was my hubby's guess a few days ago, so he's been looking very smug today
Hope you like my painting.
Andrea x "

Next to arrive is Maureen with her day 5 and she's thinking it's a snout!!!! Hmmmm.

"Well- it’s certainly something Snouty, isn’t it! My tiny kitten is catching the thread."

Richard is thinking it's an animal but not a real one as this is his comment!

"I think it is looking like a rubber duck!

Agi is next with her day 5 and here's her comment

"The 5th day. :) "

Now first in with day 6 is Jane who's wondering about the expression on what she appears to think is a face? Is it? I wonder!!!

"Hmm, mine looks rather malevolent, compared to your diagram. "

Jane was closely followed by Jenni who says

No idea.
Tricky last one was the time difference....
Nice easy run tonight.
Not a duck now......

Carol is back now with her day 5 and she has this to say

"Good Evening Jane:
So maybe a duck? or a seahorse? or one eyed people eater?
Always, Carol in NW Indiana USA
bloggins as Lelia at Stitches of Life II

Oh that made me smile.  We used to call the girls from the local grammar school the 'one eyed purple people eaters' as they had a purple uniform.  I've not heard that expression for many years!!!!

Maureen is back again with her day 6 this time. She says

"It’s a bird! My Ginger Cat is quite excited about this, so he is permitted to join the growing gallery."

All are welcome, Maureen and particularly as they don't need feeding!!!!

Anita has just sent in her day 6 with the following comment

Hi Jane,
I made a serious error and had to start over… It does look like a seahorse, but the tail is pointing in the wrong direction, so maybe not....

Oh what a shame, Anita.  Still you’re all caught up again now.

Paola has now arrived with her day 6 and she says

Eccomi, presente

Here I am present”

Grazyna is the next to arrive in my inbox.  Her comment is as follows

“Witaj Jane,
Jestem na bieżąco i wczoraj zrobiłam dzień 4 i 5. Dotychczasowa praca kojarzy mi się z konikiem morskim. Z ciekawością czekam co będzie dalej.
Pozdrawiam Grażyna Paluch

Welcome Jane, I am on a regular basis and yesterday I did Day 4 and 5. The existing work is associated with a sea horse. I am waiting for curiosity what will happen next. 
Regards Grażyna Paluch”

Lynn is next with her day 6 and she says

“I no longer think it’s a seahorse, but I’ll wait a couple more days to guess again.

Madhur is next with her little tribe of TIAS’s. She says

Hi Jane
A very good evening from India.
Here are my day 6 results.
I'm enjoying everyoment if it.
All my guesses are falling apart.
Lots of love

Well let’s hope you’re pleased with the finished TIAS, Madhur!!!

Next to drop in and covered in snow is Hallie who says

Good morning, Jane,
If it's a seahorse, it has developed a case of the mumps. And if the snout/bill had been drawn back toward the neck, a duck was still possible...but it wasn't. No guesses today, but much happiness over the 8 and 10 DS runs. :-)
Best wishes,
Hallie in Wisconsin, USA, where it just stopped snowing”

That’s funny - a seahorse with mumps!!!!

Dorota from Poland is the next person to drop into my inbox and she has this to say
“Witam cię Janie dzisiaj wydaje mi się że to krokodyl oczywiście zgaduje jak wszyscy kreatywnego tygodnia kochanie
Hello Janie today I think it's a crocodile of course I guess like everyone else creative week baby

A crocodile?  Actually it does look like a crocodile.  I wonder if it is!!!!

What a gorgeous colour this red is, Nancy. I hope it’s the right colour for the ‘whatever it is’. This is Nancy’s comment

“ I think I am caught up to day 6. Still a sea creature if not a sea horse!
Nancy Moore”

I think you’re all at sea, Nancy!!!

Mary is next to arrive and she says

“ Jane,
We’ll, I thought for sure it was not an animal, but now I think what else could it be?

Bernice has sent in her day 6 and she says

OK, I am sticking with my anteater guess. 
Happy Tatting.”

Andrea has arrived next and she’s enjoying all the guesses. I do like your pictures but appreciate too that it must be hard to think of new ideas. 

“Hi Jane,
No drawing today, as I am sticking with my last guess. It's fun to see what everyone else is up to and see what their guesses are.

Rose Anne is next to pop into my inbox with her day 6. She says

Here's Day 6 of Jane's mystery tatting fun continuing. 
I'm using Lizbeth size 20, colour 692 Mocha brown Med.
Hmmmm I'm not so sure about my Spoonbill's guess with this addition, maybe a seahorse? Maybe I've done something wrong with R12 as it's smaller than Jane's instructions! Buttttt I'm still going with the Spoonbills for now!!!
Rose Anne

It looks fine to me, Rose Anne.  Keep tatting along and all will be revealed - eventually!!

Maria is still going quackers over the TIAS!!! Sorry, couldn’t resist that!!! She says

Dear Jane,
This TIAS is going very fast…
In a blink of an eye two days went by…
I will stick with my prediction: a yellow duck .”

Marco is next to arrive and she has this to say

“Hello,here is my Day 6. 
Some people think it is a seahorse.
Greetings Marco”

Marla has just dropped in and this is her comment along with her picture

“Day 6 is done and I’m thinking it’s a seahorse, a very colorful penguin, or a hummingbird
Or maybe some kind of dinosaur……

Wanda is calling me names - a nice name - ‘tricky’!!!! That’s really kind, Wanda but I think it’s more to do with the fact that nobody has a picture of the finished thingumybob!!

Hi Jane. Here is day 6. I agree it is looking a lot like a seahorse, or maybe a bird. But you are so tricky it might be anything! Until the next installment... Happy tatting, Wanda”

Mary Jane is next to arrive and she says

“ Good morning ! Yucky day but good morning to finish 5-6 my guess this morning is a woodpecker colorful one Mary Jane. Indiana USA”

That’s a great guess - a woodpecker.  Nobody else has thought of that.  I wonder if you’re right?

Denyse is next to arrive and her comment is

“ Playing catch up Days 4 &5
Starting to look like a seahorse one of my favourite creatures.

Yes it does look like that’s Denyse.  I wonder, though.  

Katie has just sent her Olympic team in - Team Verna!!! She says

“ Hi, Jane!
My little group is muttering--
Day 6
These six critters feel rather perplexed.
They talk and they wonder -- they’ re vexed,
“Though she tats quite a bit…
still don’t know. We won’t quit!
Our Jane will come through; we’re not hexed!”

See, even they have confidence in you that they'll become something great!
I'm with them! Let's keep tatting!
Tatty hugs from Katie V in NC”

This is the last post of the day. It’s bedtime. This is from Mary Ann
who says

Hi Jane! Mary Ann from Yuma, AZ, USA here. I’d like to change my guess to a platypus. Can’t wait to see it finished!”

Goodnight everybody - see you tomorrow!

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