First in my inbox overnight with days 10 and 11 is Catrin who seems to think I go round designing road kill!!! What a hoot. She says
"Well well well... little pink most and dashing dark eyes... it's not going to be a squashed road kill mouse is it
Donna has sent in her day 11 and she's blatantly advertising Palmetto Tatters with their shuttles!! I'm going to do a bit of advertising too now. If you EVER have the chance to go to a Palmetto Tatters weekend then grab it. There's fun, a HUGE amount of learning and a wonderful atmosphere to be enjoyed there. This year they're at a new venue and next year I'll be applying for a teaching place too.
Advertising over and this is what Donna says
If an animal, going for glowing eyes and nose! SMILE!
Donna T."
Jenni has done it again!!! First in with day 12!!! She seems to be stuck on this idea but she may get a shock at the end!!!
"A very startled fox."
“ Hi Jane,
Now I know what it is! A croc! (... a dragon, maybe?)
Maureen follows on shortly with her day 12 and she says
“ Well! I knew the goat was going to be a goat when we had tatted his chunky square stomach....... and now we have a triangular head on that sluggy body.
So I still don’t know whether we are making a crocodile, a snake, a lizard- or not. Grumpy cat is in the picture because it’s his turn, and the little frog is ready to pounce on that head, just in case it’s a snake. There are too many of those around in late summer.A little later this evening because Day 12 arrived at dinner time. Scrambled eggs with chives, Swiss mushrooms and smoked salmon.That’s what we would have eaten if we’d had any salmon. The eggs were nice.”
You’ll be dreaming of salmon all night now, Maureen!!
The first of the Hungarian tatters is next to arrive - Jolimama. She says
“ Kedves Jane! Elkészültem ezzel a nappal is. Most úgy gondolom, hogy ez egy krokodil 😉
Szép napot kívánok szeretettel: Jolimama Magyarország
Dear Jane! I'm done this day too. Now I think this is a crocodile 😉 Have a nice day in Jolimama Hungary“
Next to arrive is another of the Hungarian tatters - Erzsebet who says
“ Hello Jane! Elkészült a 12.nap,most úgy gondolom ez egy gyönyörű könyvjelző lesz róka fejjel. Szép napot kívánok neked!
Hello Jane! Done on the 12th day, now I think this will be a beautiful bookmark with a fox head. I wish you a nice day!“
Sue has now arrived with her day 12 and she says
“ A second eye.... all the better to see you with my dear!!!! Lol”
Looking back at yer, Sue!!!
Back home after a long walk and the next person in my inbox is Marie-Claude who says
“Hello Jane,
Here is my Day 12. It seems to me a weird animal because of his head which is already bigger than his body - and is not finished! So my guess today is : a green weasel from fairy tales...
I'm impatient for Day 13... and the rest of the story!!!
Jane is next to pop in and she says
“Hi Jane, I suddenly thought after I'd sent you stage 11 that it looked like a crocodile's head. Day 12 hasn't changed that impression.”
It could be, Jane, it could be!!!
Tatiana is next with her day 11 and this is what she says
“ Bonjour Jane,
Ce serait peut-être une girafe couchée
Tatiana de France
Hello Jane, It might be a lying giraffe
Tatiana from France”
Do you mean a tired giraffe or even a dead giraffe, Tatania?!?!?!?
Back to Hungary for Ildikó’s day 12 and she says
“ hello Jane, 12. nap elég könnyű volt, köszönöm
hello Jane, day 12 was pretty easy, thank you ildikó”
Melanie is next in the inbox, which is shrinking slowly and she says
“ Hi Jane-
This cheery face brought a smile to my sleepy visage. Thank you for the game.
Oh, my guess? We're tatting Falcor the Luck Dragon!”
Oh, that’s what we’re making, Melanie. I was beginning to wonder myself!!!
Brenda is next with her day 12 too and she says
“ Hi Jane,
Not sure what it will be but it reminds me of the fox fur that my mother had from the 40's(?).
Boy, did I ever get into trouble when I cut the tail off to make a Davy Crocket hat.
Oooooh, I can imagine the trouble you got into for doing that, Brenda!!!
Next in is KatieV who has been slightly distracted lately. I’ll let her tell you all about it
“ Hi, Jane,
Here are 2 of my 5 critters---alligators, maybe?!
Sorry I got behind in the tatting. I was distracted by a very good book--set in Stratford, too! Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell It's about Shakespeare (although his name is never mentioned!) and his family. Son Hamnet dies of the Black Plague at 11 years of age. Perhaps you know it? Well worth the read, IMO! But now I have to catch up on the TIAS--and other things!
All the best!
Katie V in NC USA”
Yes heard about Hamnet. We do get to hear a lot about Shakespeare here in the town!!!
Tatiana is back again now with her day 12. She says
“ C'est un jolie petite tête... Mais de qui, de quoi, je ne sais vraiment pas.
Tatiana de France
It's a pretty little head ... But of whom, of what, I really do not know. Friendship Tatiana from France”
Pascale is now back with her day 12 and this comment
“Bonjour Jane, j'ai avancé mon jour 12, cela ressemble bien à un crocodile....
Bonne fin de semaine.
A bientôt. Pascale
Hello Jane, I brought my day 12 forward, it looks like a crocodile .... Good weekend. See you soon. Pascale“
Sylvie is next with her day 12 and a guess at what it is too. She says
“ Hi Jane, this little animal seems very kind or pretty.. Is it a fox?... Perhaps🦊🤔
Good evening Jane! and see you tomorrow..
Claire is next in my inbox and she has this to say
“ Hello Jane,
I like how the bead turned inwards the small ring and formed a very small heart this way. It is the 'nose' part of the pattern?
I have carefully avoided looking at the advancement of others, in order to not discover more of the pattern than what I am doing at the moment. No new guess for now.
Well I suppose it could be a nose but what if it isn’t an animal?!?!?!
I’ve reached the top of the inbox now with Cheryl’s day 12 and she says
“ -- Well now it does look like a fox pelt. I'm glad I was able to get this done this morning. Gotta go to the city today and see the lawyer. I would have been thinking about how I wanted to get back and do my TIAS the whole day.
Mary Jane is next to arrive and she says
“Think I changed my mind. Women can do that. See what day 13 brings
Mary Jane Indiana USA”
Very true and it’s what we’re so good at too±±±
Now I’ve found Bernice in my inbox and she says
“ Hi Jane,
Not only do we have the snow we have now plunged into freezing temperatures. Fun tat this morning and that pink nose is too cute.”
Love pink noses (if it is a nose, of course) but you can keep the cold!!!
Marco has just arrived with her day 12 and she says
“ Hello,
Still no clue what so ever.
Greetings Marco”
Valerie is next with her day 12. I like that pink colour, Valerie. She says
“Bonjour, c est un vrai plaisir de voir le tias prendre forme.
Voici mon 12e jour et j'ai hâte du 13e. :-)
Valerie de France
Hello, it s a real pleasure to see the tias take shape. This is my 12th day and I can't wait for the 13th. :-)“
Mary has just arrived too and she says
“ Jane,
Here’s my Day 12 - I think this is an alligator. A finish of the head and 4 added legs to the body would be just perfect.
Just had a break of half an hour and more have come in. First is Hallie who says
“ I was thinking, during ring 11, that maybe it was a [long-tailed] big-horn sheep, but ring 12 pulled things back into alignment. If it's a fox, it has an awfully long face at this point. Maybe the people saying "crocodile" are onto something! Hallie in Wisconsin, USA“
Hmmmmm, I think you’re right about the face, Hallie - it’s rather long for a fox but surely a crocodile has teeth???
Now I have Jill to show next and she says
“ My what’s it is now tri-colored due to continuous thread breakage. Was okay with chains but broke every time I tried to close rings. Changed manufacturers. Had a bad ball of thread. I’m thinking I should’ve used black and white. Do you think so Jane?
That’s really annoying over the thread breaking. Now as for black and white - the answer is ............ Well, did you really expect an answer?!?!?!?
Judy is next to arrive and she says
“ No clue..but I got my crazy on..2 eye colors if that is what they are. “
Well they maybe eyes or they maybe something else, Judy!!!
Coretta is back today with her day 12 and she says
“Very foxy look today”
Hmmmm I think it does look like a fox but others are thinking crocodile.
Time for bed so I'll catch up with the overnighters in the morning. Goodnight.
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