Just as it's time to go to bed another has come in all the way from Cape Town. This is from Lesley who says - "Here is Phoebe. As a newbie I have had so much fun with this TIAS learning lots along the way. Thank you so much for all your work. For me having the instructions in small bites made it less intimidating. I plan to re-do it as I can see my mistakes."

This next lady has come from Michelle - her thoughts have arrived but the picture is still on the way!! Michelle says -
"Now I thought the existing threads on my shuttles were number 20, but looking at my girl, I guess not. Her skirt's 3D (hard to see in the photo, but the beads on the sides stick straight up in the air), her bodice sits on the button (although the threads are long enough to sit beside, the rings aren't). Since the rest of her was not quite right anyway, I decided to try "punk" hair by alternating pink & blue stitches. It didn't turn out as spiky as I would have liked - guess I should have added more extra stitches."

Now we have Pamela who has a great suggestion to add to the mix -
"Finally, here she is – better late than not at all, I guess. First I wanted to tell you that the directions were wonderful and very easy to follow – I learned several new techniques (Josephine knot (double) and how to tie off with a ring (that worked really well!). I am left-handed so everything is backwards – unfortunately, I get ahead of myself and had to start over several times. I like the short hair, but think maybe it might be better in “orange” – a little punkier (is this a word? Not sure J ) – I think the first two rings below her eyes (outside color) could have a bead (earring) in lieu of the VSP - what do you think?"
I think that's a great idea. Being a lover of earrings I wonder why I didn't think of it. LOVE the punk hairstyle too.

Melissa has just sent hers and her message is -
"Thanx for the opportunity to play... I've attached my girl, I've named her Pippy since my 5 year old picked a shade of pink for the hair."

Now the next lady belongs to Winnie who says -
"Got a bit behind in the TIAS, a very busy time, and then a good bout of the flu, have now finally finished it. Learned some new techniques! Somehow her arms are bending up, she is rejoicing the fact that she is finished!"

Kristina has sent in her two completed TIAS's. She says -
"Hello Jane! It took me some time to start over, and I got way way behind, but now I'm back. Here are my two blonde girls. I tried to give the red one green spikes, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted, so I changed that to another pair of blond braids."

Martha has sent in her picture and has added her usual creative flair - thanks, SO much. This is delightful -"Here is my TIAS, ala "Mary had a little lamb". Or maybe it's a whopping big sheep as the relative proportions seem a bit off. You know I can't just leave things be. At first I planned to add wings so she would be an angel to match my guess, and then this other idea popped in my head. This was fun again. I really enjoyed seeing all the color choices from all the participants."

First in this morning is from BJ who says -"Silver City Belle sends her greetings from the desert floor ~ Behind her are the mountains where she lives with BJ. She is anxiously awaiting the monsoon season which will turn the mountains green and make the gamma grass grow.
"Belle" has problems with her teeth - having one upper and one lower tooth is a regular feature of the 'old maids' who live in Silver City, New Mexico."