Sunday, 24 February 2013


Well we're nearing the 100 mark and I'm a VERY happy bunny over that!!! 

Today I have Karla's finished pram in and she says:-
98. "WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
I finished it!!!! I've been banging my head against the wall for the past... two weeks, practically, trying to get to tatting and for some reason I kept finding even the littlest thing to be a gargantuan effort--I'm happy to say that the reason for my general exhaustion (my Chemistry class) is still thoroughly whupped, though not without giving me a whack or two back >_<

I kept hearing "We are the champions" in my head when I finished it =D 

From My Secret Underground Bunker in Switzerland"

Now we have Beelizabeth who says:-
99. "Jane,
You asked why people seem to drop out of the TIAS. I don't know about others, but after my bout with the flu, I found myself with stomach problems. Now, I've had stomach troubles since the day I was born and this was not the same. I absolutely love TIAS each year but this year I was feeling so rotten I didn't even check for and download the new part. I actually did 2 part at the same time the day after the one was released. I finally realized that my gall bladder did not like where it was living and wanted to relocate. It realized too late that if it was evicted from its current accommodations, its only other option was total homelessness. Eviction proceedings were successfully carried out and I'm working on healing. So here is my completed pram, which, coincidentally was started about the time my second son and his wife informed us that their 1 year old Annabelle was going to be a big sister. Enough rambling. 
(Beelizabeth online)"
Oh, I'm SO sorry to hear about your gall bladder problems.  Hope you have lots of tatting time as you heal.  Also thank you for your finished pram too.

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