Friday, 22 February 2013


Creeping closer to the magic number 100 and this is the first one in today.

This is from Mary Jane on behalf of - well, let her tell you!!!
96. Jane., this is from Dorcas Ann Newkirk from Evansville, Indiana USA.   She used cotton perle # 8 color 704., kept everything in same color., We both enjoy your TIAS., very much., waiting for the next one., and like the way you put the pattern up., just right for us., OH., I am writing for Dorcas., Mary Jane maybe she will be #100"

Although Cheryl has already sent in her finished TIAS prams I had to share this with you. It obviously isn't number 97 as she's been counted previously!!!  Aren't they pretty?  Here's what Cheryl says:-
"Here are my two prams put on little greeting cards. I took them to my knitters group last night and they oooohed and awwwed over them. A few hinted that they would be calling me for one in pink or blue when they knew what someone had for a baby. So your pram is a big hit, Jane. Don’t change a thing on this TIAS, it’s great the way it is. Thanks."

Next in is from Lenka with a very pretty picture and who says:-
97. "Dear Jane, I participated in your Tias and I enjoyed it. I've got a few deviations from the original, but I did not do them on purpose. I used yarn Maxi. I'm sorry, I do not speak English, I use translator. I am from the Czech Republic."

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