First in this dull, grey morning is Martha's day 5 along with her comment:-
"Here's my new pic. No useful guesses yet. It is weighing heavy on my mind that sometime soon we will add another color of thread, plus the two picots awaiting joins on the long chain."
Next in my inbox overnight is from Monica who says:-
"Hello Jane!
Good morning! (I started writing this before dinner and finished after, but I bet you will see this in the morning..) I am very pleased to say, I am up to date, and ready for say 6 tomorrow! I attach both pics, for days 4 and 5.
I did quite a bit of "fiddling around", as for some unknown reason I did not load enough thread on the shuttles, so I have been "shoelacing" like crazy to try and make do with the thread I have.. (for your eyes, I am away from home...). I also played around with the stitch counts on the long chain,a s the CWJ seemed to make it smooth, but also make it bulge because of the extra space used b the full ds... so, I took the liberty of doing a bit fewer here and there.
As to day 5, (still trying to make do with the thread) I loved it. I had never done any design with lock chains before, and as others said, I loved the look with different colours.
Also, I have some bets! My partner votes for some sort of bird, maybe a swan. I am convinced it looks like a flower pot, but am sort of eager for it not to be one, just to prove me wrong and keep me guessing some more... Can't wait for clue number 6!
Peace to you,
Monica in Argentina"
Judy has sent in her day 5 and says:-
"My attempt for day 5"
Looks great to me, Judy.
"My attempt for day 5"
Looks great to me, Judy.
Now I have Surya's day five but she's had to suffer the dreaded 'housework' before getting to tat!! She says:-
"I had to spend a day doing the dreaded H-word (housework) and got a bit behind on day 4. But I'm all caught up now. I know brain cell #3 is very clever. So although it does look very basket-like now, I suspect it's something completely different. Perhaps a flying saucer? Or a jabberwocky?"
Now from Frances I have her day 6 with the following news. You Australians are not doing well lately with the weather, are you?
"Good Last of the overnight TIAS's comes from Margaretha who says:-
"Good Last of the overnight TIAS's comes from Margaretha who says:-
" Hi Jane Here is Day 5 I think it is a owl sitting in the end of a boat somaybe there will be a pussycat!"
First in with day 6 is Jane - sorry to keep you waiting but I HAD to eat!!!! Here's Jane's comment:-
"Oh goodness, this way and that way! Happy tats, Jane"
Where DID you get the personalised shuttle, Jane? I hadn't noticed it before on your pictures. It's SO pretty.
Next in is Sonja with her day 6 and she has this to say:-
"Hello Jane
Today is a rainy day and the snow is disappearing.
Easy day today and still loving this little thing whatever it will be.
Happy tatting
Sonja from Holland"
Now I have Karen's day 6 and her comment follows:-
"Good morning all from a sunny Sussex here is my Day 6 today's guess is a basket with a dog or cat in."
That's another new 'thought', Karen! I wonder ........
Next in is from Brenda who has this to say along with her day 6:-
"Hi Jane,
Here is my day 6.
The snow has gone the rain is here the sun is shining and it is freezing cold.
Now from Frances I have her day 6 with the following news. You Australians are not doing well lately with the weather, are you? "Good morning/evening Jane here is my day 6 completed. I am back to having no idea of what it is.
The weather here has gone from one extreme to the other, as we now face flooding from an ex cyclone as it travels down the east coast of Australia.
from soggy Warwick, Queensland
Frances S"
Now in from Geraldine I have this picture and comment:-
"Hi Jane
Thank goodness the snow has gone. Sunny and very windy here in Loughborough. Well you said day six would put a spanner in my thinking a pram. Well for my next guess? Mmmm NO idea give up at present lets see what day 7 holds.
And the game go's on. Geraldine"
Singapore is now in the inbox - Valerie to be exact!!! Here's her day 6 and comment:-
"Hi Jane, hope you are having a good weekend. I spent yesterday and today sewing, cooking and tatting. Here's my day 6. Val"
Just before I go out for a walk I have Grace's day 6 to add to the blog. Here's her comment and picture:-
"Hi, Jane,
Here's Day 6! Quick and easy one today, at least for me. Guesses? Well, now it looks like a picnic hamper with the lid open! But I'm sure that's not the end of the story...
Back from a walk and I now have Winnie's days 5 and 6 to show you. She says:-
"Hi Jane,
I did day 5, and day 6 in one go."
Now I've got Patricia's day 6 which has just dropped into my inbox. She says:-
"Hi Jane,Jane,
A turtle?"
Now I have a puzzled but very happy Emilia with her days 5 and 6 and she says:-
"Hi Jane, Hereby day 5 and 6. I am still wondering what you want us to make this time. So still enjoying myself.
Now I have Jo with her day 6 and her comment too:-
"Hi Jane
Here is my T.I.A.S day 6 - plenty of practice today on those split rings! It's looking less likely to be a Viking ship now, so maybe it's an old-fashioned baby's pram - we did the handle on day 5 and day 6 is the start of the hood.
I'm not very happy with my joins from the split ring to the first row - do you have a tip for joins on the second side of a split ring?
Next in is Joelle who has sent in both day 5 and day 6. She says:-
"Hi Jane,
I thought I would save you some work by sending them two at a time. Here are my days 5 & 6. I scanned one one way up and the other the other way up just in case you are being sneaky... It looks temptingly like a tub of flowers at the moment but I'm sure you have a surprise in store for us and it'll end up nothing like what we think!
Now I have TotusMel's (Pamela) day 6 along with her comment:-
"Here's my day 6. Still no clue what it's to become. It could be Godzilla for all I know at this point, but I'm enjoying the mystery.Thanks"
Next is Adrian who has sent in an explanation of how he 'copes' with the TIAS:-
"Ah, but I try to get them in on the day each part is released, but there was a pub on Thursday... Then after I'd tatted on Friday, getting up to go and photograph them seemed like too much work. :)
So, here's my Day 6. Still looking like a flower basket. But knowing how devious you are... ;)"
Now Carol's day 6 has arrived along with her comment:-
"YAY! Day 6 completed.....really enjoying this game and seeing everyone's guesses!"
Next into my inbox is from Wanda who says this:-
"Here's my day 6. I still have no idea what this is °~°. Now I will go over and read what other people are guessing, people with a better imagination than I.
Still having fun!
Wanda in Kansas, USA"
GOSH, I'm so excited. I've won an award. I can't remember EVER winning an award. Thank you, Fox.
"I hereby nominate Jane Eborall to receive the Hercule Poirot Tatting Mystery Award 2013. This is great!"
Now I have Sharren's days 5 & 6 with her comment which is:-
"Good morning!
I am finally caught up with the rest of the group – here are days 5 & 6. Now we’re guessing that it’s a crown for the new little royal due in July!
Sharren – Tatting in Greenwood, South Carolina"
Now I have Gea who has had to do boring things in between tatting. You know - things that none of us really like to do. Here's her comment:-
"Hello Jane, hereby my day 6. In between jobs, birthday parties and to much house chores I finished those today. Our guess is still the elephant, but we are rethinking at the moment. Greetings Gea"
Monica has now popped in with her day 6. She says:-
"Hi Jane,
Here is my Day 6. I was going to venture a guess, but after checking out the other posts, I have changed my mind on a guess. I still just don't know. I am excited to find out what it is.
Monica Braxton"
Next in is Ancolie's day 6 along with her comment and picture. She says:-
"Hello JaneHere's my day 6. No idea of the fact that it can be but I am very
satisfied to have small works such as this one to make during the day,
because now it is raining and nothing is more convenient than the rain
to do something fun at home ;-)
I wish you a good evening
Now I have Evelyne's day 6 with her comment firstly in French and secondly (thank you, google translator) in English:-
"Bonsoir Jane, Le jour 6 sans difficulté mais toujours le mystère.... Et toujours le plaisir de participer....Amitiés dentellières
Hi Jane, Day 6 without difficulty, but still the mystery .... And always willing to participate .... Friendships lace"
This time I have Stephanie's day 6 with her comment too:-
"Hi Jane!
Here's Day 6 of my UFO. No outrageous guesses from me today, but I'm enjoying seeing everyone else's guesses. Even allowing for a bit of extra thread on both shuttles in case of ...ummm...unrecoverable error....there's STILL enough thread on each shuttle to make me think we've got a little bit more of the variegated thread to tat before we start on the solid color part. This is great fun, and you don't have to go outdoors in the cold/hot/wet/too-dry/whatever to enjoy it.
Have a terrific weekend!
Big hug!
Now I have another new starter and my very dear friend - Joanie. She's sent her picture in and says:-
"Rick brought me the package of shuttles I asked for and chose Lizbeth #117, Country Side and Opera, pale blue, I don't have the color on it anymore. They look good together! I also was going to guess at a shopping cart, perhaps from Publix! You know what Riet always says!!! In America it is big, bigger, biggest and American!!! But then day 5 came along! : ) Thanks for doing this for all of us!
Hope you are doing well!
Huge hugs to you!
Next in is another of my friends from SC - Katharine. She has just joined us (I think!). Here's her picture and comment:-
"Hey Jane,
I've been following along the TIAS for this year. Here is my Day 6."
Now I have Laurie's day 5. She struggled with lock chains and as she's a needle tatter I couldn't help. Fortunately she got really good help but I'll let her tell you:-
"Not very well..I'll admit, but pam gave me very clear instructions and it was easier than I thought it would be. My split ring looks a little big too...oh well...progress not perfection! ready for day 6! Thanks for all your support! Laurie"
Next in is Nima with her day 6. She has this to say:-
The mystery is the fun factor in this game. now it looks like a flower basket. Or is it a boat. Looking forward for the next bit.
Now Roelien has sent in her day 6 and it sounds as if her weather is very similar to ours. She says:-
"Hello Jane,
Here is day 6.
How is the weather with you now? Here it rained all day long with a temperature of about 4°C.
I hate the cold and I am happy that it's warming up again.
Many greetings,
Back a few minutes later is Laurie again but this time with her day 6!!! Here it is along with her comment:-
"For some reason I am having to reverse the written instructions on split I am very grateful for the must be another needle vs. shuttle thing! It's is a good start to my day..I feel victorious! Of course it looked like a basket of flowers before day 6...but know im not so sure. cant wait for day 7! Hugs, laurie"
Next person in is Denise who is convinced she knows what the TIAS 2013 is going to be!! Here's her comment:-
"Now I am really thinking it is a basket.
Denise Royal"
Sandy is the next person to arrive and she sounds a bit confused as she says:-
"Jane, as I turned the Unidentified Tatted Object over in my hand, I noted that in the 'upside down' position it looks a bit like a fancy lampshade with cute frilly edge.... but, in the 'right side up' position it looks like a boat or basket. Since I'm obviously confused, I'm voting that (for today) it remains my UTO !Sandy S"
Next in on this Sunday evening is Denise who has really got her husband involved too!! She says:-
"I thought this looked like something before, but now I really have no idea what it could be. Maybe after day 7 it will look more like something recognizable. My husband has no guess now, he only says he is a little disappointed it didn't turn out to be the illuminati pyramid.
Thanks for the game! Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday.
--Denise from Central Texas"
Now I have Omar's day 6. I should've had it this morning but there was a failure in her system and it didn't get here. Anyway, all is not lost - here it is now:-
"Morning Jane.Watching the final of the Aussie Open and I know that you aren't the sporting type but your Andy Murray is up against Djokovic and is doing well. Maybe you'll see someone today who is a sporting type and you can tell them. Hahah!
I'm afraid I'm still discombobulated. I have no idea what this could be. You are being very sneaky....Is it upside down? Is it sideways?
You may also be interested to know that we are no longer suffering with the heat. Now it's pouring rain and poor Queensland and northern NSW are about to be flooded. You haven't by any chance seen any animals traveling in twos have you?? :)
No, Omar, animals travelling in twos have been seen over here - I'm going to start building my own ark tomorrow!!! It's back to floods again here!
Next is Maria's day 6 with her comment and puzzlement too!!!
"Just completed my day 6 homework assignment!
but now I'm confused more than ever.... long gone are the Nina & Pinta...... the little trefoil reminds be of a propeller on a dirigible..... ?
but with only 5 more days to go I'm thinking the Goodyear Blimp is out of the question....? Maybe?
Marla "
Next in is from Mags who joined us at the start but has waited to send in her photo. She says:-
"Hi Jane,
I'm sorry I haven't sent in photos, but I've been keeping up with the TIAS. Here is Day 6. I'm beginning to think it might be a dragon! Or maybe a teapot! So really, no idea.
P.S. No idea why it is upside-down....sorry!"
Ummm, Mags, you never know that may be the right way up!!!!
Wendy seems to be a bit puzzled - she says:-
"Well, I haven't got a clue now 😣
Wendy x"
Last for today as I'm heading to bed is Deanna who says:-
"Hi Jane
I hit the Wong key the first time and didn't include my guess
Catching up after having Internet guess is a baby buggy...I'm a tatter not an artist for"
Now I have Frances's day 6 on all her mystery tats!!! She says:-
Here is my Day 6. If you want to post just one I think the peach one is nicest. I am loving the daily practise in split rings and other things. I wont forget them after this. I found the joins to the rings in row one a bit tricky.
Frances UK"
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