Tuesday and a few more have flown in overnight!!
23. First in this morning is from Sharren in the USA. She says:-
"So it really is an airplane after all! Hope you'll get aboard and fly over to Tat Days! This was so much fun - I'm looking forward to the next TIAS!"
24. Now just landing is Elizabeth from the USA (ALABAMA). She says:-
"Coming in for a landing. That was fun. Now what are we going to do?"
25. Next in 'flying the flag' is Erika with her plane. She says:-
"Oops again! I made another mistake, at the beginning of day 9, so as punishment for it, instead of doing it all over again, I unstitched until the mistake, then did it correctly. Here it is, the final work. Thank you for keeping us entertained these days."
26. Next to land is Melanie C from USA and she says:-
"Good afternoon in California USA. Here's my finished creation. I don't think I gave enough room in the joining picots for the plane to be flat, but it's done. On the chance that it was intended to be a plane, I replaced my lost bead on day 9 with a clear bead. The pilots can see out better that way."
Poor Denise has been ill so is still playing 'catch up'. She sends in days 8 & 9 and says:-
"I've been ill this past week and missed several days as they were posted. Here is a photo of my days 8&9. I will need to try to tackle day 10 later. I should have stuck with my guess of a plane when I had it."
27. Next plane to land is from ARGENTINA and Monica who says:-
"Here is my plane, flying in from far away - it did it's first 1000 or so miles before even being finished, as I tatted it on holidays in the Andes!
This was a lot of fun, and I want to thank you once again for designing and organising this.
For your records, I am Monica from Argentina. (not sure if it is ok to have put the info on the photo, so I added a cropped one too - you choose which to use). Peace!"
Next in with day 9 is Sue Anna who says:-
"All your bags are pack you're ready to go. Got your ticket in hand and sitting on your trunk and ready for your flight on Jane's TIAS airlines! I guess it is safe to say one of those 'beads' is your seat. This has been a blast to play, even though I'm not done with day 10 yet. Thanks for hosting this TIAS.
My day number 9 picture attached."
28. Next is from Karen L in the USA. She says:-
"Thanks for the TIAS! How cute is this airplane! Thought it was ironic that my airplane was the same colors as yours. What are the odds. Thank you of hosting another TIAS - hope you consider it a success."
29. Now taxing to the terminal buildings comes Nina from the USA. She says:-
"I finished my TIAS, and a little fidging here and there, it still looks like a plane. Hope you like it and thank you so much for all the fun! I am in Denver, CO and this is my first TIAS. The picture isn't the greatest, so I am sending two so you can pick one if you like. Thank you."
30. Now in from CANADA is Rose Anne who says:-
"OK here is my "airplane" but you know it does kinda look like a gegko (as my friends say too) but I'm going to display it as my "bluejet" - wonder where it'll carry off to on my vacation!!! Rose Anne B, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada!"
31. Now coming in to land (bit of a nose dive by the look of the position on the platten) is from Ridgewoman who says:-
"I didn’t feel well today, so finished this too late. I’d planed to have it done before 11 AM, but no such luck. I’ll get back to you, want to get this on it’s way...If I’d known the 1st two picots were connecting, I’d made them smaller. Looks kind of like a loose wing.....not good! LOL"
32. The next plane just coming into land is from ROMANIA and Maria who says:-
"Heloo. I hope the plane that I did you'll like. It was a very pleasant experience and I hope to meet soon."
33. Next to drop in is from Rosemary in AUSTRALIA. She says:-
"Thank you for lots of fun AGAIN! I had a great learning time tatting this animal-cum-aeroplane. I am sooo sorry it's finished! I hope you can give us another surprise next January. :) I'm Rosemary from Dubbo, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA"

34. Now into the inbox flies Eva from SWEDEN. She says:-
"here is my aeroplane. By a coincidence I have chosen the colours of the Swedish flag! I have had great fun with tatting this. Thanks for organizing this TIAS. Greetings from Eva in Varberg, Sweden."
35. Next to land is another plane arriving at terminal 'tat land' from SWEDEN. This is from Ann-Sofie who says:-
" This was great fun. Thank you so much. I agree with Elisabeth who said "what are we going to do now?"
36. Now landing is the plane from Manie in THE NETHERLANDS. She says this:-
"My name is Manie van den Berg I live the Netherlands. I enjoyed very much of your TIAS. Thanks for that."
Just to prove there is no such thing as 'late in' in a TIAS I have the following Norman from Erika in CHILE. She says:-
"I'm from Iquique, Chile. I was also on last year's TIAS, made this chicken. I don't understand a word of english, it's my son who translates everything for me. Have a nice day. Hugs!"
37. Just about to land is Valerie's plane all the way from SINGAPORE with her comment:-
"My mighty whooping cough has returned two days ago. Hence the delayed departure of VA001 to Straford Upon Avon. Sorry about that. I'd hoped to fix the "wires" (still sticking out) before it took off but I just haven't got anymore energy... Anyhow, you surprised me by not designing a creature. Thanks again for the fun."
38. Next in is from Bernice in the USA. She says this:-
"Here is my TIAS day 10....it was fun! thanks Bernice"
39. Now I have another plane in from the USA. This time from Sarah who says this:-
"Oh Jane, this has been so much fun! I think that the very fact that you are known for your critters kept this intriguing up to the very end. Even as the shape of the plane became more evident I was never sure that the next element of the pattern would not send our brain cells flying in a new direction. Thank you for a pleasant flight of fancy. As a first time TIAS participant and a relative newbie to the world of tatting on the internet, I can't tell you how much I appreciate all you and others do to inspire and teach.
I think I will send this little jet off to my niece who is an aerospace engineer and just landed her first job in the industry. Have a happy day. I'll be tatting more of your patterns. Sarah in snowy Connecticut, USA (but it is beginning to melt... yipee!)"
40. Next in despite not being comfortable with computers is Lou from the USA who says:-
"Hi Jane! I love your tias. As you can see I did Norman last year and airplanes this year. I am not computer literate but got my husband to help me send you pics. Thanks for sharing all your patterns-I wish I could design but I am not that talented. So many thanks for sharing your talent! From the state of the Boeing Company (seems appropriate) A happy tatter Lou Dawn"
Just GOT to show you Lou's roosters too which flew in on the same flight!!!
41. Next in is from Becky who says this:-
"this is my first time in doing this. Heather M wanted me to do the last one, but had to much on my plate to do it. This is great thanks..Love the mystery."
42. Kathy is the next airline pilot to bring her plane into land in my inbox!! She says:-
"Here's my finished TIAS. I showed it to DH and he asked what it was. When I told him an airplane, he let out a slow "oh kay....if you say so". He thinks it looks more like a salamander with red spots. Perhaps if I had used different colors. The thread came from the last thread exchange. One of my partners sent me Lizbeth Size 20in contrasting colors of green. Very nice thread to tat with."
43. Next to land is Marty from the USA who says:-
"Here's my jet plane. I was right about the poet -- look closely, he's had to take a seat at the back! Marty, from Salt Lake City, Utah, USA"
I can see him, Marty - he's the guy with the BIG smile!!!