First of all - tomorrow will be day 8.
Also please don't worry about the angle of yesterday's (day 7) work in relation to the previous days. It will all sort itself out - tomorrow!!!!
First of the overnight emails is from Coretta who says:
"Hello Jane,
Today I worked on a mural. I’ve never done that before, so a new adventure. So coming home to something unknown but also familiar is relaxing.
Today it is a bovine
Maria is next to arrive with her day seven. She says:
"Dear Jane,Still in a fog, but do I see a leg and foot of a lady with a skirt?
I know you will not say.....
Waiting for day 8
Well we did a lady last year, Maria so I doubt it is. BUT I do have a devious mind so who knows!!!
Next to arrive is Grażyna who says:
"Witam Jane.
Dzień 7 naszej wspólnej zabawy właśnie zrobiłam. Nadal nie wiem co robię.
Pozdrowienia z Warszawy, Grażyna
Hello Jane.
Day 7 of our common fun just did. Still I do not know what I'm doing.
Greetings from Warsaw, Grazyna "
Grace is next to arrive and this is her comment:
"Here is my day 7.
This is what I think it look like now."
Carol is the next message in my inbox - strictly in order. She says:
"Hi Jane,
Carol here, I’m still thinking it’s a puddy cat
I might have to start another to keep me amused as it’s the first time I’m waiting on updates and not behind. We’ve had a couple of pleasant days but heading back to hot ones soon. I haven’t seen you post about the swans lately, are they gone?
Next to pop in is Bev who has also sent in day 7. She says:
"Hi Jane
Here’s my Day 7. It definitely looks like an animal leg and tail so it probably isn’t."
Now Bernice has arrived with day 7 and the following comment:
"Hi Jane,
My TIAS is quite a bit different than the diagram. I hope it works out. Are we halfway yet?
Bernice Calgary CANADA"
Next to arrive is a camel from Mary. Well I wonder if it is?!!?!?!
Here’s my Day 7. I still think we’re working on some animal - for reason camel 🐪 comes to mind. Looking forward to Day 8.
Mary in California"
Denise W is the next one in the inbox and she says:
"Oh geez. I don’t think it’s my handsome prince after all. Can’t wait to try another clue!!!!Denise W"
It maybe your handsome prince, Denise. You never know!!!
Janet appears to have given up on her guesses of links to the Olympics!!! I like these two guesses, though!
"Good Morning Jane,
I fear that this year tias will not be a salute to the Olympics. But it could be a lobster or shrimp. I am going to have to think about my next guess. I am also hoping the rain we have outside will be gone tomorrow when I wake up.
Janet in GA"
Just back from breakfast and a trip down the town to the Friday street market and now I'm going to continue with the overnighters!!!
First in this batch is from Lori who says:
"Hi Jane!
Ok I am going to go with my first thought as to what this is going to be!! A Dragonfly!!!!
Here is my day 6
And here is day 7!
Now Christine is hovering between a mermaid and a dragon. I wonder!!!
"Hello Jane
Here is my TIAS, Day 7.
It looks like our mermaid has an arm!
(Or perhaps our dragon has a wing -- I'm not sure!)
-Christine in Alabama"
Annie is next to arrive with her day 7. She has this to say:
"Hi Jane, here is my Day 7...You're smart to make me can't even guess.
So I can not wait the next pieces.
Happy Tatting
Annie - Indonesia"
Not even one guess, Annie????
Now a visit to Hungary and Erzsébet who says:
"Kedves Jane!
Gondolom nem árulod el nekünk mi is lesz ebből ami közös alkotásunkból!?
Várjuk ki a végét!!
A 7.nap nekem így sikerült.
Dear Jane!
I guess you do not tell us what will this have in common alkotásunkból !?
We are looking forward to the end !!
The 7th day could give me.
No, I tell you nothing Erzsebet!!!!! I leave you to guess!!!
Nem, nem mondok semmit Erzsebet !!!!! Hagyom, hogy kitalálj!
Now we've arrived in Poland with Grazyna who has this to say:
"Droga Jane ! Bardzo dziękuję Ci za super zabawę. Pierwszy raz robię coś innego niż serwetka, gwiazdka lub bransoletka frywolitkowa. Pozdrawiam
Dear Jane! We thank you for great fun. First time doing something other than a napkin, asterisk or bracelet frywolitkowa. Regards
I'm delighted that this is giving you something new to make. I hope you will continue after this with more different things to tat.
Cieszę się, że daje ci to coś nowego do zrobienia. Mam nadzieję, że będziesz kontynuował to po tym, jak różne rzeczy będą wyglądać inaczej.
Next to arrive is Carol with her days 4 and 5. She says:
"Dear Jane:
I think it is a sea creature -- maybe a mermaid or snail or shell .... or ?
Always, Carol
blogging as Lelia at Stitches of Life II"
Carollyn is the first in this batch of uploads to the TIAS blog. She doesn't have a lot to say, though!
"Having fun
"Hello Jane,
day 7 is finished, I don't have idea, regarding out come...
from Hungary"
Even though Cathleen still feels ill she's managed to complete day 7. She says:
"I'm sorry, I'm still sick, but I do not give up!Finished 7."
Well done, Cathleen. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Maria has arrived next with her day 7 and she says:
"Hello Jane is my seventh day. Regards from Lodz in wonder what is it?"
Well you asked a question Maria but I'm not going to tell you the answer - not for a few more days!!!! What a pretty picture. Love the colours.
All the way from Norfolk is Margaret who says:
"Hi Jane, here's my day 7. Said it was a flag pole didn't I! Just didn't realise we had tatted the flag first!!! My photo shows the scissors from your next tias along with other tatting paraphernalia. The background is a page from my current art book.
Margaret in Norfolk."
I'm tempted by the colouring books, Margaret but somehow a shuttle always jumps into my hands instead of a crayon!!! Pretty picture with the lilac scissors and matching button. Love it.
Denise R is being influenced by the colour of her thread - I think! She says:
"I think giraffe."
Next is Ankie's day 7 and she says:
"Dag 7 is klaar, nijd mij loopt het laatste stukje niet schuin naar beneden, maar ik denk dat het wel goed komt.
Fijn weekend, Ankie Kaspers
Day 7 is finished, envy me the last part does not slant down, but I think it will be okay.
Nice weekend, Ankie Kaspers"
Celine has just sent in her day 7 and she says:
"Here is my day 7. It looks like a leg. We look forward to next steps to guess which animal "
Well I hope it is an animal for you, Celine!!!!
Now I have Eva's day 7 and she says:
"Hallo Jane,
Tag 7 ist auch fertig
Liebe Grüße
Hi Jane,
Day 7 is completed
best regards
"Here is my day 7. Thank you again for the advice on opening a ring. I had to use it after I made a mistake back on day 4 or 5. It was not easy but I persevered and finally got the ring open without breaking the thread. I can honestly say that I would rather give birth again than have to open another ring! Ha ha. This is my first time doing front side/back side tatting and some of my stitches on the rings look messy. Maybe my tension was off? I was concentrating on doing the 2nd half 1st. I haven’t made a guess yet so I’ll put my 2 cents in today. Maybe it’s going to be a little bouquet of flowers? If so, I wish I had used variegated thread.
Joni W."
Well I've had plenty of practice over the years at undoing rings and am always happy to pass on what I've learned!!!
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