I will put the last day (15) out on Monday and you'll need some yarn/thread for the hair. Yes, it's a mermaid for those who haven't worked it out yet!!!
Also on the last day I hope you will let us all know where you live and, if you know, the thread you used too. I will number each mermaid as it arrives so we can keep track of who actually finished!!! I have 114 people who started but there maybe more out there who haven't sent in pictures!!! We'll see who passes the finishing 'line'!!!!
Denise B is the first of the overnighters and she says this:
"Good evening Jane,
i still think it’s a genie coming out of a lamp or bottle . Or girl on a skateboard ? A girl on a diving board ? Aren’t you going to miss designing and hosting these TIAS ?
Take care and stay warm and healthy.
Denise Brant"
This is a pleasing (to me) comment now from Coretta. Although I'm elderly or even old now I still think we should be doing our very best to save our planet. This is why I NEVER print patterns (or much else, either). I work from the computer - whatever sort I'm sitting at. Thank you, Coretta for helping save our earth. Also thank you for the other reason too. It all helps our craft to give credit to whoever designed the pattern.
I don’t actually print out the patterns. I take a screen shot of the pattern page and take a picture of my work completed for each day and collage them together using the app pic•collage.
I like to have source, so there is credit in some way to you. :)
The question is now? What color should the hair be? :) "
"My mer-ponies have hooves :)
Fanny is the last of the overnighters and she's sent in her days 12 and 13 with the following comment:
"Bonjour JaneVoici le jour 11,12, et 13
L' aventure ce termine bientôt et ce fut un plaisir de vous suivre !
Mon petit fils Elouan m'a dit mamy tu as fait une petite sirène, j'espère qu'il aura raison !
Bon samedi Jane et merci pour ce partage
Hello Jane
Here is the 11.12 day and 13
The adventure that soon ended and it was a pleasure to follow you!
My little grandson Elouan grandma told me you did a little mermaid, I hope he will be right!
Good Saturday Jane and thank you for sharing "
Now I have the first day 14 in with her mermaid's tail. Yes it's my dear friend Jenni who says:
"Nearly forgot.
Cute tail. !!"
Second in (and from Australia too!) is Maureen who says:
"I've been wondering what those two tiny picots were for! The base finishes her off nicely, I think.She will her ends dealt with , as usual, in daylight, and is looking forward to her hairdressing appointment on Monday."
Teresa is next to arrive and this is her comment.
"Dear Jane!
Here is my 13 day.
Greetings from Poland.
Next in is Jane who has given her mermaid a name. This is what she calls her!!!
"Aha, Jane, Milly ought to be able to swim now."
Love the name - Milly the mermaid. Has quite a ring to it!!!
Tim is next in my inbox and this is what he says and his has another name!!!
"With the tail, the 2 picots are explained and everything becomes more clear. Here is Arial, but bald. Tricky lady!"
Do you mean I'm tricky or Arial?!?!?!?!
Jacee has now got a tail on her mermaid and she says:
"Hi Jane,
Here's my submission of day 14. And I see an adolescent mermaid.
Mary Jane seems to suffer the same tatting problems as I do!!! Nick's forever asking why I'm getting up, turning round and searching on my chair!!! Here's Mary Jane's comment:
"What a morning. I lost her twice this a m. I panicked, found her in my notebook. Then lost her again. Was sitting on her. Oh my.
She is beautiful. And thank you
Mary Jane. Indiana USA"
Aleksandra is next in from Poland. She says:
"Hello Jane,So a mermaid. She got a silver tail and she also gets silver hair.
Aleksandra from Poland"
"Dear Jane!
Here is my work of day 14
"Jane, Voiala:) Here's my mermaid with her tail.
Thanks for your help.
Ilona (Hungary)"
Not 'quite' finally as Aniko has just arrived so I'm going to add her two days and then have lunch!!!
"Dear Jane
I send my 13-day debt and also the 14-day job.
I'm glad you finally found out what we were doing!
Have a nice weekend !"
I'm back again and this time the first in is Emily who says:
"I can't believe I actually guessed right all the way back at day 6! I'm very excited about how well they have turned out and can't wait for them to have hair :)"
Yes you did well to guess so early. I love the way your two mermaids are holding hands!
Julie is next in with her days 12 and 13 and this is what she has to say:
"Hello !
I am a little late but here are my days 12 and 13."
Now I have Teresa who says it's a mermaid too!
"Dear Jane!
it's a mermaid - 14 day."
Melanie has now sent in her day 14 with the following comment.
"Hi Jane-
Well, now that we've succeeded with this part of the game, the sand has beckoned my creature. I must ask at the Aquarium if mermaids are female, or we just arbitrarily assign a fem. gender to the noun. Doncha love speaking a neuter language? I found a bit of kelp colored yarn to use as hair, but how to style it? Ponytail doesn't seem right......
Melanie in CA"
You'll find out how to style the hair on Monday, Melanie!
Back again after a short tatting spell. The first in this session is from Krystyna who says this:
"TIAS 14 Syrenka jest . Pozdrawiam Krystyna
TIAS 14 is a mermaid. Regards Krystyna"
Anita is next with her day 14 and this is her comment:
"Hi Jane,
The tail really makes a difference, she is such a pretty mermaid!
Still curious what her hair will look like :-)
"Dear Jane
The 14. day. :)"
Nona's mermaid has arrived now and she says:
"Can’t wait to give my colorful mermaid some hair!
Nona (Green Bay, WI)"
Finally in this batch is Caroline who is still not feeling fully better yet. She says:
"Still not quite up to par yet. I keep hoping I will be completely better soon."
Two more mermaids have made it into my inbox. The first is from Anikó who says:
"Kedves Jane! Tudom, hogy már nem sokára vége ennek a játéknak, de nagyon élveztem. Köszönöm!
Dear Jane! I know it's not about to end this game, but I really enjoyed it. Thanks!
I'm glad you've enjoyed it, Aniko. I've enjoyed meeting you.
"Here you go miss...
Triton!! Soon to become Tritana!!"
AnSo has just arrived with her days 11, 12 and 13. She says:
"Hi Jane,
I’m sorry i'm late for the day 11, 12 and 13. Time flies ! It is a mermaid ! I looking forward to day 14 and 15.
I leave you the link of the page of my blog : http://aliance-so.fr/tias-2018
Thank you for these great moments"
Best regards
AnSo Alia
Not a problem, AnSo. Day 14 is now on this blog too!!!
AnSo Alia
Not a problem, AnSo. Day 14 is now on this blog too!!!
Katie has done her six tails for her six mermaids. Here they are:
"Hi, Jane,
a bevy of mermaids awaiting the trip to the hair stylist!
tatty hugs,
Now I have Barbara's message along with her pictures and Ewa's too. They've done days 13 and 14. Here's the message:
"Witaj Jane!
Dzisiaj dopiero mogę wysłać prace Ewy i moje z ostatnich dni. To na pewno nie będzie jaszczurka... i nie będzie to dinozaur... szkoda... Może zgadnę za rok!
Cieplutko pozdrawiam!
Hello Jane!
Today I can only send works; Ewa's and mine from the last days. It will not be a lizard for sure ... and it will not be a dinosaur ... it's a pity ... Maybe I will guess next year!
Warmly greet!"
Next in my inbox is Eva with days 13 and 14 and who says:
"Hallo Jane, etwas verspätet aber bin noch dabei.
Liebe Grüße
Hi Jane, a little late but I am still in the process.
best regards
Barbara is next in the inbox and she says:
"I am Barbara Tomaszewska and I am from Poland --- my 14 day Tias201"
Next to arrive is Maria who has concerns over her mer-man! She says:
"Finally got caught up...... again.... my "Mer-man" is ready to hit the ocean..... but some flowing locks would be a nice addition..... gotta keep that noggin warm in the cold cold sea!"
Kay has now popped into my inbox and she says:
"Dear Jane,
Ahhh....little mermaid is SO happy to have her swimming equipment now. :-) She is here with one of her friends. Now we know they're kindred. You kept me guessing, Jane, even though I thought she might turn into a mermaid. One never knows in the TIAS game. It's been so much fun. I'll be a little sad to see Monday come with the end of this fun, yet it will be great to see the end projects along with all of the origins of the participants. I've SO enjoyed reading their clever posts. Quite a few have made me smile. Thanks again for all of your work and keeping us guessing Jane!"
LOVE the picture, Kay.
Bev is the last in this session and maybe the last tonight as it's almost bedtime. This is what Bev has to say:
"Hi Jane
I was so engrossed in what we were tatting, I forgot to take a photo of Day 13. I was convinced it was a merman with short curly hair, to partner your already designed mermaid. But BC3 has tricked me again.
I love the way you capture personality in your patterns, with just a few twists of direction. She’s a cheeky girl!."
Glad you were tricked, Bev. Wait til Monday to see what happens next!!!!
Well Bev wasn't quite the last as Mirror Jane is!!! She just caught me as I was passing the 'office' on the way to bed!! This is what she says:
"Hi Jane,
T&C is definitely too exciting to get behind on, but I still hate dealing with threads, so I am procrastinating a little.
I did get a bit enthusiastic about the split rings and put an extra picot in there, but it's not the worst that could have happened.
Very awesome to see a few left-handed tatters here, too. Yay Lefties!
Thanks again!"
Goodnight folks - see some of you in the morning.
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