First in this morning is Heidi who has just caught up in time for day 10!!! She says:
"Hi Jane,
I had fun tonight getting caught up. Gotta agree with others, it looking like a mermaid."
Just as I was going to get my breakfast Iza popped in with her day 9. She says:
"Good morning, JaneHere is my work from day 9.Best regards from the cold Poland - Iza"
First in yet again with the new day's work is Jenni who says:
"Another 'hang in Ben....TIAS is about to happen...can't finish cooking just yet' night!!!
Thank goodness he supports my tatting addiction 100%!!
33C (92F) here tonight with a storm brewing. Not a good night to tat little stuff.
Think others have nailed it.....looks a bit mermaidy..."
I now have Barbara with her two day 9's and she says
"Dear Jane,
Glad I was able to catch up today. Umm…this is looking a bit other-worldly…. I see an arm with fingers and half a face…with the body under the head, but it’s see-through. I can imagine ribs and the spinal column….
Barbara in Northern California only 75 miles north of the Winchester Mystery House
“In theaters near you “Winchester” starring Dame Helen Mirren"
Just back from grocery shopping and my inbox is overflowing!!! First in this batch is Jane who says:
"Aha Jane, Milly Mermaid, not an elephant’s trunk!"
That's fast - Iza's back again this morning and this time with her day 10. She says:
"Hello. Today I did the task very quickly.My day 10 is ready.Regards - Izy"
"Hmmm mermaid ? :-) "
Jolimama is next to arrive and she says:
"Kedves Jane! Elérkeztünk a 10. naphoz :-) Már nemsokára kiderül, mi is lesz belőle :-) Kíváncsian várom. Barátsággal: Jolimama
Dear Jane! We arrived to Day 10 :-) It will soon be revealed what will happen to him :-) I am looking forward to it. With Friendship: Jolimama"
Now the next in my inbox is Krystyna who says:
"TIAS dzięń 10 jestem niecierpliwa i bardzo ciekawa co to będzie.Krystyna
TIAS thank you, I am impatient and very curious what it will be. Krystyna"
"I'm still going with Casper the ghost."
That's spooky, Tim!!!
Jacee has arrived with her mermaid too. I am still wondering if it's going to be a mermaid, though!!!!
"Good morning, Jane. Just as many have guessed - it's a MERMAID indeed!! So many intelligent tatters out there who have the right guesses from the very early beginnings- oops...obviously I'm not one in this category!!
I'm not in that category either, Jacee!!!
Lyn is next with this comment:
"Good evening Jane, Here is my day 10 ! Have a feeling I am looking at a mermaid??
Shelley is next with this simple comment:
"Taking shape. Have a great day! Shelly"
Barbara has now popped in with her day 10 and she says:
"Taking shape. Have a great day! Shelly"
Józsefné has now arrived with her day 10. She sent in her picture.
Ilona has sent in her day 10 and some lovely photos to make me feel cold!!!
"Dear Jane,
Here's mine, with long hair. No problem, tomorrow I have an appointment at my hairdresser:)
And I enclose some winter photos:)"
Now the next person in my inbox is Ewa who says:
"Hallo Jane! My 10 day is ready. I think like my son and husband that maybe it is a ghost. Best regard from snowed Poland - Ewa Szylewska"
Well it could be a ghost, Ewa. Please keep your snow in Poland - I don't want it over here!!!!
Next to arrive is Aleksandra who says:
"Hello Jane, I think that, as in the title of the book by the outstanding physicist Carla Rovelli, what we tat in this TIAS as Reality Is Not What It Seems.
Have a nice day and have fun while reading our emails.
Aleksandra from Poland"
Is reality ever what it seems, Aleksandra?!?!?!? Tatting is real, though!!! Love the clever picture.
Now Teresa is thinking it's 'some sort of' - but is she right?!?!?
"Definitely some type of “person” as I have a torso, arm and head. Ready for Day 11 although the attached photo is the front side. My assumption is that the next series of instructions will complete definition of the neck and possibly start the second arm."
Well you'll only have to wait til Saturday to find out, Teresa!!!!!
Now this is one VERY clever tatter - Margaret. Not only does her picture show off her talents but she's also a good detective as well. The reference to the gin refers to the url!!!!
"Hi Jane, here is my day 10 and, just for you Jane, on another page of my art book. You will see that I have stuck all sorts on this page! Hope you got your gin but that you can still operate the computer! See you on Day 11."
Nearly time for the gin, Margaret and it's only one (maybe two) a week so I think I'll still be able to operate the computer!!!! Thanks for the chuckle too.
Melanie has sent in her day 10 and here's the picture.
Sue's sent in her day 10 next with the following comment:
"Eventually!!! Managed today's version.... if this is a mermaid she's got very short hair and body... wonder if it's a merman instead.... lol
Sue (Pigmini)"
Could be either, Sue!!! Whatever it is it's keeping you guessing!!
The final one in this upload is from Kathryn who says:
Here is my day 10 it could be a mermaid! I crocheted a mermaid for a mobile and pink seahorses. If it is a mermaid I will make another but not red."
Back again and this time with Melanie C who says:
"Hi Jane-
Well, I thought maybe my creature would look like a mermaid today. But, unless we hear hoochie-coochie music, I'm not at all sure. Interesting dance of thread.
Off to a small loom study group to demonstrate cluny tatting."
That sounds interesting, Melanie.
I'm delighted to welcome a new arrival. Good to meet you, Bageshree.
"Hello Jane,
This is my work for day 10.
Followed the fun from the start but was clueless about how I could reach you. Finally today my daughter helped me."
Yes, now I’m sure it’s a mermaid! Unless it’s something else . . .
Mary in California"
Now Judy sounds a bit unsure!!! She says:
So they say a mermaid? Then I guess my blue variegated works."
Bernice has just arrived and she's asking me a difficult question. She says:
"Hi Jane,
Do you have a name for this little mermaid?
Bernice, Calgary AB Canada"
Well I may have a name IF it's a mermaid, Bernice!!!
Finally in this batch I have Beata's days 9 and 10. She says:
Dotarłam do 10 dnia i sądzę że będzie duszek. Świetna zabawa. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
I got to the 10th day and I think there will be a ghost. Great fun. Best wishes.
Dotarłam do 10 dnia i sądzę że będzie duszek. Świetna zabawa. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
I got to the 10th day and I think there will be a ghost. Great fun. Best wishes.
Finally in this batch I have Kay who says:
"Dearest Jane,
Well, you are indeed I can now see either a Harry Potter sorting hat (eye position seems to agree with this) or a Mermaid. SO I'm hedging my "bet" and saying that my little Mermaid has a friend.....but which friend, I know not! :-) It could be the "frozen brain" talking, as we're still in the 40's below zero F. "deep freeze"....just cannot seem to warm here in Tok, Alaska.
Thanks for making TIAS so much fun."
You're welcome to the fun but I'm glad I'm not living in Alaska!!!!
"I still have a unique surprise to show you when she is done even if she turns out to be a pickle
Now you've got me really curious, Caroline!!!
Next I have a singing tatter - Lelia. She says:
"Dear Jane:
I'm singing .... "under the sea" .....
Looking like a sea maiden!
Always, Carol, blogging as Lelia at
Stitches of Life II"
I like that tune, Lelia!
Denise R is next to arrive and she says:
"I ended up cutting the picots which I know the left side will be a bit off but I am okay with that.
I am thinking a person just not sure what type of person."
The last two of the day. Firstly I have Caroline who says:
"I woke up to very bright sunshine shinning in my bedroom window yesterday. It was really a super surprise as we have not had a full day of sunshine since I don't know when. It sure got me going and I got all of my errands done and more.
Here is Day 10. It is not a real good picture but wanted to show off the kitty paw print scarf I finished for my youngest daughter yesterday. There is a lot of yarn left over so I am going to make one for my other daughter also. They both have cats like I do.
I am beginning to wonder if it could be a baby wrapped in a blanket."
Finally today - Karen who says:
After day 3 I couldn't stop thinking about Lizbeth thread #125 Seascape -- so I started another "whotzit" and now it seems I might have been "hearing" the tenderhearted whisperings of a Merman. Could it be a xase of undersea love?
Karen from Virginia a.k.a. IsDihara"
No idea what's going on in your neck of the woods, Karen but I hope you've got birth control sorted out!!!!
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