First in this morning is Cynthia who says:
"Hi Jane, I did it 2 more times and actually got the earrings to work with your pattern--sheesh the earring day 2 works with the second day of the TIAS! Now the TIAS is a size 20 in 173 Purple Marble and it looks awesome....I am not doing them the same color or size!
I attached a jpg at the bottom....
I think (yes ) brain cells 1,2,4,5 are all firing today!) Still in search of someone to share a brain cell 3...and no I'm not asking for donors...My daughter said Echo (our dog Beagle X Pointer of some nature) she doesn't use many of hers most of the time...Kind of a scatter brained dog... and I think I will skip that one...LOL
Hugs, Cyn
Now I have days 1, 2 and 3 but no name to the person. HELP?!?!!?
Thank you for coming back to me, Grace. This was from Grace in Bay area CA. Welcome to the TIAS.
Thank you for coming back to me, Grace. This was from Grace in Bay area CA. Welcome to the TIAS.
"A dragonfly perhaps?"
First in with day 4 is Anita who says:
"Hi Jane,
First thing I did this morning was to check if Day 4 had come.
And it had! Here is my tatted dog leg :-)
Anita was followed very shortly by Emily who says:
"It's starting too get some shape! My new guess is a poodle :)"
Finally, as breakfast calls, I have Tim who says:
"Well, I was hoping the spaces would be a clue, but not today."
Back from grocery shopping and I've found a rather full inbox. First in this batch is Fiona who says:
"Hi Jane
Today I am thinking this could become a wheel barrow.
I am enjoying seeing everyones progress, creative prose and beautiful shuttles.
Kind regards
Me too, Fiona!!!
Jane thinks it's:
"An elephant’s trunk??"
Jenni is in my inbox next and she says:
"You really do intrigue me Miss Jane.....
Still no idea.
Shuttle swap about to happen. The beauties are a bit slow to use!
Jenni (Liyarra)"
So pleased I've still got you baffled, Jenni!!!!
Now I have Barbara from Poland and she's sent in her day 4 too.
"I am Barbara Tomazewska and I am from Poland --- my 4 day Tias2018"
Joli mama is next in the inbox and she says:
"Kedves Jane! Küldöm a 4. napot :-)
Dear Jane! I will send the fourth day :-)
Joli Mama"
I love your cheerful pictures, Joli Mama.
Szeretem a vidám képeket, Joli Mama.
Barbara is next with her comment and picture. She says:
"Dear Jane,
I’m so saddened to hear this is the last TIAS you will be offering. You must have thought about it for awhile, and I hope you have bright and happy plans for the future. I will have to console myself with playing the TIAS years I missed.
Here’s my Day 2; a bit late because I lost it temporarily. Even started a new thread and shuttles which I’ll include shortly.
Blessings to you,
Barbara in Northern California"
Sorry, Barbara but we'll see how things are by this time next year.
My next arrival is Kata who is working 2 of the 'whatever they are' TIAS's!!! Here's her comment and picture.
What will this be?
Than xou Jane!
Hugs: Kata"
Next in is Zsuzsa with her day 3:
Next in is Barbara who says:
"Hi Jane!
I'm doing it twice now - waiting for the next day is terribly long ...
I still think it will be a lizard or a dinosaur.
Robię już podwójnie - czekanie na kolejny dzień dłuży się strasznie...
Nadal myślę, że będzie to jaszczurka lub dinozaur.
That's funny, Barbara - now you'll have two of whatever it turns out to be!!!
To zabawne, Barbaro - teraz będziesz miał dwie, jak się okaże !!!
Józsefné has sent in her days 3 and 4. Thank you, Józsefné.
Next we're back to Poland with Krystyna who says:
"Witam ! Dzień 4 zaliczony .Krystyna
Hello ! Day 4 included .Krystyna"
Lyn is next with her day 4. She says:
"Good evening Jane. Here’s my day 4. Went to a general craft group today and I might have 1 or 2 ladies interested to teach to tat ! They have some tatting there for sale done by an elderly lady and the price to buy it was priced ridiculously cheap. I might have to buy it !
Western Australia 🇦🇺"
Well done on getting people interested in learning, Lyn. Hope they do take to it.
Next we're back to Poland with Krystyna who says:
"Witam ! Dzień 4 zaliczony .Krystyna
Hello ! Day 4 included .Krystyna"
Back from an 'after lunch' walk and I now have Alicja in my inbox. She says:
"Hallo Jane!Today I think... maybe it will be a tank or other vehicle with caterpillars? 🤐🤔🤣
Many thanks!
That's a very good guess, Alicja but I wonder if you're right!!!
"Dear Jane, the more I do the less idea I have about the final creature:)Ilona (Hungary)"
Now Jacee has a very good question!!!
"Dear Jane,
Here's my submission of Day 4. Still clueless. But could it be a crinoline lady again???
Well it could be, I suppose but I'm not telling you!!!
Next to arrive (thanks to the help from Joli Mama) is Paul Elisabeth's day 4.
Joli Mama says:
"Kedves Jane! Erzsébet Pál 4. napi munkája :-)
Küldöm szeretettel: Jolimama
Dear Jane! Paul Elisabeth 4 day work :-)
I send my love: Joli Mama"
Finally in this batch is Val who says:
"Hello, Jane! Hope the rain is gone.
I’m back with day 4. Really curious about what it will turn out to be. 🤔
Sending you more sunshine from Singapore,
Valerie 😘"
Rain has gone for now, Val, but I fear it'll come back soon!!!!
Well that was a very short break and I'm back again but this time with day 4 from Aleksandra who says"
"Hello Jane
Day 4. Definitely shore but from the bottom, side or top? I have no idea. Maybe the bottom of the skate or ski. Aleksandra from Poland"
Next in is Cynthia with her day 4 who says:
"Day 4...I think it is a wallaby or kangaroo"
Peace Cyn"
Melanie has now arrived back in my inbox with her day 4 and the following comment:
"I should start over, but I don’t have the time this morning. I neglected to do the front-and-back tatting today and somehow ended up with a fraction of an inch of thread sticking out of each of the last two rings (unrelated problems, I’m sure). I cut off the extra thread and secured the stitches (I hope) with fabric glue. Rats!"
Well, Melanie, I'm sure a blind man would be glad to see it and no, it's not going to be a rat I don't think!!!
Cindy is next in and this is what she says:
"Good Morning Jane,
Here is my day 4. Maybe I should have had more coffee before I tried, my last ring had gotten a bit twisted and I am having some trouble getting it closed. But I hope I can fix it either with the next element, or maybe if I keep fussing over it. Briefly I was thinking some of the others might be right, and it was a snow sled. But the picots currently on the left would make no sense. I have to admit, you still have me stumped! I am loving it! Maybe it is one of the great pyramids of Giza? This is so wonderfully exciting, and a great way to start an otherwise chilly and boring (laundry) day."
Well I'm glad you're enjoying it, Cindy, but remember that I'm having waaay more fun than you - AND I know what it is, too!!!
Ewa from Poland is next to drop into my inbox. It's been a really busy afternoon!!! She says:
"Hello Jane! I'm sending my 4 day from Poland. Have a nice day. Ewa Szylewska"
I love it when Margaret sends in her picture as it's a lovely reminder of past TIAS's.
"Dear Jane, day four already, how this tias is flying, hope it won't be over too soon!
Well, it could still be a flag pole, it could also be the beginning of a bridge for Billy (from your 4th Tias) to cross over this raging torrent he has found! Who knows! The other bit of tatting is from the middle of the goat.
Margaret in a sunny Norfolk."
Dull and grey here, Margaret - swop?
Next to arrive is Zsóka and this is what she says:
"The 4. daily task was ready. I look forward to the rest of the days.
Thank you.
Best regards: Zsóka."
Melanie C has been reading the url's in the browser bar again!!!! You'll have to check it if you want to see what she's talking about!!!!
"Hi Jane-
Why, I would love to go for a walk! Join me for a hike up the hill?
Your game has intrigue a group of stitchers. I'll be keeping them informed.
Melanie in CA"
Agi is next with her day 4 and this is her comment and picture:
"Dear Jean
Finished the fourth day :)
Next to pop in is Joanna who has this to say:
"Hi, here is my day 4 picture 🙂 Maybe it is the tail of an animal 🙂Sincerely, Joanna from Poland"
Teresa is next in with her day 4 and the following comment and picture:
Greetings from a very windy Thursday in Montana. We are expecting snow a bit later but for now it is partly cloudy with the clouds skidding across the sky.
At any rate, here is my Day 4. Looking forward to more before hazarding a guess."
Maria is back now with days 3 and 4. This is what she says:
"For some reason day 3 didn't show up for me when I looked for it the other day...... I thought it seemed like a long time between parts.Anyway, here is my catch-up of days 3 & 4 combined. Looking forward to the next clue of this little mystery!"
Denise B is now back with her day 4 and this is what she has to say:
"Good morning Jane ! I had to start over and I changed the color to Lizbeth 20 color jelly bean. Could this part be a handle to something like a hand mirror ?
I would love for you to tat a sewing machine and place it in your pattern section. I can not find any patterns for one anywhere.
Denise Brant /NY"
I wonder if it is a sewing machine? It's a good guess. Sorry you had to start again, though.
Oh, this is funny. Love the pictures and thanks for sharing the link too, Karen. So glad to see you tatting again as well. Lovely to see your blog come to life too.
"Day 4's "wee bit" is very interesting. Rings get smaller as they progress down the center line which reminds me of the handle of a spoon.But I have a second guess! More than a spoon, I hope it is a glow worm. Because glow worms are cheerful that is what Kermit said it was.
Sharing a "wee bit" of glow poetry to support my second guess:
Finally in this session I have Erzsebet who says:
"Hi Jane..
Here is my work of day 4."
Maria has just popped into my inbox and she says:
"Still a mystery....Maria"
I'm pleased about that, Maria."
Brandi is the next person to drop into my inbox. She says:
"Jane,Maybe a butterfly or dragonfly!"
Mary has now arrived and this is what she has to say:
Finally managed a picture that shows the real color of the thread for this pattern, whatever it is. I saw a nature program last night — could it be a crocodile or alligator?
Mary in California"
That sounds feasible, Mary. It's looking to be the right shape but I'm not sure!!! That photo just zings.
Edyta is next to pop in with her day 4. She says:
"My 4th day :)Regards Edyta."
"My 4th day :)Regards Edyta."
Next to arrive is Bernice who has this to say - and show:
"Hi Jane,
Love seeing the progress and threads and shuttles from around the world. I must say that last little ring looks like one big knot not four.
Calgary AB CANADA"
Small rings are always a pain, Bernice. I'm sorry.
The next person to pop up in my inbox is Veronique who says:
"Pas de nom pour ma photo pour le jour 4. Mystère. ...
No name for my photo for day 4. Mystery. ...
Anso has just arrived with her days 3 and 4. She has this to say:
"Hi jane !!
I’m a little late for day 3 and i hope in time for day 4.
The work week was very busy but i was looking forward every night for your TIAS. So my two days in one mail :
I have no ideas what it is.
Best regards,
Anso Alia
It's almost bedtime but I've got a short while to get this one uploaded. This day 4 is from Alutka who says:
"Dzień dobry. Wysyłam 4 fragment robótki, w dalszym ciągu nie wiem co robię ;)
Good day. 4, the ship needlework still not know what to do;)
This is definitely the final entry for today and it's from Sarah who has this to say:
"Hello Jane,
Day 4 of my participation
in this amusing game of your creation.
What I tat I still can’t tell
But I am sure it will be something swell.
Goodnight, all.
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