Don't forget - tomorrow will be day 5.
First in today is Denise R who says:
"I think a animal of some kind maybe a horse."
Welllll, it could be an animal but I'm not sure.
Judy is glad of the day off!!! I'll let her tell you!!!
Enjoying the no split ring days. I know they will end soon.."
Next in is Marjorie who is also trying hard to guess!!! She says:
"Dear Jane,
I am enjoying this. Trying to think up new guesses is the hardest part though!
I forgot to mention that I am using Aunt Lydia’s Size 10 in “Monet” color way. I usually use 40 - 80 threads so this seems quite large. I have only ever used it for knitted trim on a pair of lampshades.
For now, anyway, it reminds me of a Very Hungry Caterpillar! Watch out! He wants to eat my leaf! But with his colors perhaps he’ll turn into a beautiful Monet butterfly and dazzle us all."
You never know what BC3 is thinking so it will be hard for a while yet to make a good guess. I like this one, though.
Krystal is next with her day 4. She says:
"Hi :)
The new one is a size 10 artiste from hobby lobby"
LOVE the little cherub and birdie sitting watching.
Ildikó is next to arrive with day 4.
"Dear Jane,
It's my Work. I'm very happy, Day 4 is finished.
Ildikó from Hungary"
Janet is the next person in my inbox. She says:
"Hello Jane,
Here is my day 4. It came together so much easier probably since I took it up to do right after dinner and not at 11.
I am going to stick with my hope of ice skates! Officially experiencing major Olympics withdrawal symptoms. I confess I am an Olympic junky!
See you on Saturday,
Well I doubt if there's a cure for being an Olympic junky!!!!
Marjorie is back again - I think she's got a TIAS addiction or is she a junky like Janet?!?!?
"Hi Jane,
Good morning, perhaps, to you! It’s early evening for me but you may be in bed already :)
I have a new TIAS-4 submission as I found some available shuttles and a more congenial thread, a 20 in Lizbeth Color 115.
This little caterpillar too wants to munch my leaves!
==Marjorie in California (where temps in the low 80s are threatened for Sunday and Monday!- we’ve been in the low 60s)"
Next in is Christine who has this to say:
"Good morning, Jane!
Here is my progress for Day 4 of the TIAS.
I would have sent it to you earlier, but I spent the afternoon tatting with some friends. We are making a few squares for the "Tat a Monument in Pink" project.
Then I had to do some shopping before returning home.
While I was out, I found some nail art stickers to decorate my shuttles. That was fun :)
I still think this one could be a butterfly! Time will tell...
Happy Tatting :)
-Christine in Alabama"
Aniko's email must have got lost on it's way over here yesterday. Thankfully she's re-sent it today. Here's her comment and picture of day 4.
"Dear Jane,
I guess you did not get my e-mail yesterday with the picture for day 4.
I retrieve it now and I hope you get it.
With friendship
Next in is Amritha who has sent in her day 4 along with this comment:
"Hi Madam,
Am sending you my 4 days completed work. Am really getting interested in this game of yours!. Started participating from last year. Thought it would be tough at first. But quite easy. This year l thought would not participate now but tat later. But got encouragement from lidyani Djisastra!. And here l am 4 days completed and looking forward. Thanks"
Glad you're here and enjoying it, Amritha. I've had a shuttle tatter in the past who'd only been tatting for two weeks and she managed so I'm sure you will carry on til the end!!
The next message and picture in my inbox comes from Annie who says:
"Hi Jane,Here is my Day 4.
Don't you know that Indonesia is the only country/habitat for the last living dragon on earth? The name is Komodo. You can google it :)
But I dont think the tatting is Komodo :p
Happy Tatting,
Annie - Indonesia"
I've heard about the Komodo dragons as my friend went to Indonesia last year just to see them. I think they were in a reserve.
I've heard about the Komodo dragons as my friend went to Indonesia last year just to see them. I think they were in a reserve.
Ildikó is next to arrive with day 4.
"Dear Jane,
It's my Work. I'm very happy, Day 4 is finished.
Ildikó from Hungary"
Next is a sad tale from Pigmini who says:
"Here you go Miss. day 4 submitted... says the lady who didn't manage to tat yesterday due to moving vehicles around outside (or helping- they belong to neighbours!!) and finishing off tiling for a short while... and now has a sore thumb... cut on something yesterday... possibly sharp tile edges! It's the thumb I use to close rings!!
She (Pigmini)"
That's a sad story, Pigmini! Hope the thumb improves today.
Back from an afternoon at Crafternoon and looks like I've got a few more to upload!!! First in this time is from Carollyn who says:
"The anticipation is too much
I apologise, Carollyn!!!!
Now I have a batch of pictures from Poland. I must say I was really, really pleased to see all these. Here is the comment which came with Barbara's email:
"Zaległe prace dzień 3 Lucyna i Longina
i jeszcze dzień 4 Ewa, Longina, Lucyna
Ewa ;
A może to skrzydło jakiegoś rajskiego ptaka lub samolotu? / Or maybe it's a wing of some paradise bird or plane?
Lucyna ;
Cześć! Moim zdaniem teraz będziemy robić
malutkie kółeczka 2-2 do końca wzdłuż kółeczek dzielonych,
potem po drugiej stronie,
tak, żeby było symetrycznie.
I to będzie środek ( kręgosłup ) motyla.
Czy motyle mają kręgosłup?
Hey! In my opinion, we will now do
tiny circles 2-2 to the end along divided circles,
then on the other side,
so that it is symmetrical.
And it will be the center (backbone) of the butterfly.
Do butterflies have a backbone?
Greetings from Poland!
Thank you, everybody and a special thank you to Barbara for taking the trouble to send these to me.
Now I have Katie with her six TIAS's. Here's her comment and picture:
"Hi, Jane,
my six little what-evers are waiting for Day 5--they wonder what the heck they'll become!
Wanda has just arrived with her days 2 and 3. This is what she has to say:
"Dear Jane,
I'm a little behind but I finally got days 2 & 3 done. I really need that bicycle to keep up!
Wanda from Kansas, USA"
Barbara's lagging behind a bit at the moment!!!! Not that it matters in a TIAS!!! Here's what she says:
"Dear Jane,
Got some catching up to do! Here’s my Day 3.
Barbara in No. California"
Sherri has just sent in her day 4 and says:
"Here's a baby fairy dreaming on going sledding on his new tatted bobsled.
Sherri Bertrand
Burke, VA "
Gosh, you've got a vivid imagination, Sherri!!!!
Now Kay has managed to get her email to send in this comment and her lovely comment. The picture is amazing and I'm glad that the dogs are working on the problem of 'what it's going to be'. She says:
"Dear Jane,
Had a little difficulty with my e-mail, so this is just a bit tardy. Sorry. Put both Bernese Mt. Dogs on the "case" of 2018 TIAS. And, the attached shows our newest guess. :-) So enjoying playing along again this year. Thanks for all of your work on this Jane. LOVE seeing folks tatting from all over the world.
Kay Lynn"
Not a lot later and Wanda's now caught up with her day 4. This is her latest comment:
"Hello, Jane! I'm back already with day 4!
I'm thinking it's not a bicycle anymore. Not sure yet what else it might be. A bicycle wouldn't do me a lot of good today anyway, unless I was traveling north. It's a bit windy even for Kansas, with sustained winds of 56 kph.
I know, it's a kite! :-)
Wanda in Kansas, USA"
Oh, a kite? It could easily be, I suppose!!!
Maria K is next to arrive and she says:
"Hi Jane, this is my TIAS 4 th day."
Next to arrive is Izabela who says:
"Hello Jane
Here is my day 4 Tiasu 2018. Regards"
Such pretty shuttles, Izabela.
Well Wendy is probably the last person in today. She's now thinking it's a - well, I'll let her tell you:
"How about a fat worm? Wendy"
Grace has sent in her day 4 after a bit of a struggle - she says:
"Finally have my day 4 done correctly. Was watching TV yesterday and put extra stitches on the ring. Had to retro tat.
Now it look like it just might be head dress of an American Indian if we put some feather on there."
I sometimes spend more time retro tatting than tatting, Grace. You're not alone!!!
Well this IS the final TIAS for the day and it's from Grazyna.
"Witaj Jane. Dziś w nocy mogłam dopiero zrobić Day 4. Nie wiem co z tego będzie może owad? Pozdrawiam Grażyna
Hello, Jane. Tonight I could only do Day 4. I do not know what can be an insect? Regards Grazyna"
See you all in the morning - goodnight!
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