Saturday will be time for Day 2. I'm going to be out most of tomorrow so won't have the time to even try to keep up. Sorry.
First in my inbox this cold, cold morning is Rhyming Sarah who says:
"Hi Jane, Here is day one and my first rhyme. I am never sure I can get through the whole game in rhyme but I will try. : )
I think this is my seventh year playing along with you. Today’s piece is the worm in the apple!
Sarah from Westbrook, Ct
It is finally here
This game I enjoy playing every year."
Next in is Nona who says:
"I’ve only been tatting for a couple years and first tried the TIAS game last year. So sorry to hear that this will be the last one. Using Lizbeth Fruit Fizz and, of course it just looks like a caterpillar right now (turning into a butterfly?)
Green Bay, WI"
Francoise is next in my very full inbox!!! She says:
"1er TIAS, contente et heureuse de participer. Pour le moment je préfère ne pas m'avancer sur la trouvaille du TIAS, les jours avenirs me feront réfléchir, pour l'instant je me laisse guider. Françoise
1 TIAS, pleased and happy to participate. For the moment I prefer not to move me on the find of TIAS, the futures days make me think, for now I am guided.
Melanie has sent in her day 1 with the following comment and picture:
"Hi Jane-
The fun begins. Here's my bit attached. No guess yet.
Mel in CA"
Next in is Maria who has this to say:
"Dear Jane,This is still a mysterious thing....
Can’t wait for day2
California is where Marjorie lives and she's sent in her day 1. Here it is:
"Dear Jane,
So glad TIAS has begun again! Here is my attempt: lace weight wool, the only thread & shuttles I had available where I am currently. I feel sad you don’t plan to continue TIAS but I love your designs!
1. Ready!
Sorry the variegation doesn’t show up well.
==Marjorie in California"
Marjorie has just come back (about 8 hours later) with an update and this is what she says:
Marjorie has just come back (about 8 hours later) with an update and this is what she says:
"I’m giving up on the yarn. It works, but doesn’t show detail well enough. For trim on a sweater it would be fine but not for this project."
I'm adding her picture below these two.
Denise W is next into the inbox. This is what she has to say:
"Dearest Jane,I’m so excited to be able to return to your annual TIA. Day one is completed. No guessing for me, yet. You can tell I’m thinking spring. The thread is Angels love with my new favorite shuttles. Everything is screaming spring. Down to the fawn in the background. I knew I kept this fawn around for the last 40 Years for a reason!!!! Keep the clues coming. Any hints? I can’t wait!!!!
Following the last one the next person in the inbox is Kay who says:
"Dearest Jane,
First of all, THANKS SO much for doing this. I so look forward to seeing what's next as well as seeing the creative guesses. It's also so much fun to see the various colors and how an item can look so different depending on the color choices.
I chose to use a variegated thread called Fruit Fizz since you mentioned that the variegated thread would work well. I have NO idea at this point as to where we're going, but am looking forward to the ride. My Bernese Mountain Dogs are snoozing this afternoon, so they had no help to give either. Ha! Attached is my Day #1 submission.
Regards from Interior Alaska!"
Finally on this 'batch' I have a dear friend - Bev. This is what she says:
"Hi JaneWow! So many starters already! We are not going to let you go so easily.
Lots of joining idea."
Although Stephanie hasn't sent in a picture she has joined us and has made this comment too.
"TIAS....I know! It's the start of the lamppost in The Chronicles of Narnia.
Didn't think I'd catch on that quick, did you? "
Now I have Mary next in the inbox. This is what she says but I can assure you it isn't a plane as we've done one before!!!!!
Yea, the TIAS has started! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s ... I have no idea - a chair leg?"
Ah, I do have a name for this one - Sandra. She's certainly got a great sense of humour!!!
"* I can't wait to see what I do today! -Cozy, at home"
Maureen from 'down under' (well, it's down under to me!!) has just arrived with her day 1. She says:
"Just a little late! - and I too have broken out the special shuttles for the last TIAS. Which I don't actually believe, but there is plenty of time to change Jane's mind!
Two beads probably mean two eyes. So it is a farewelling animal, maybe with eyes at the back of it's head?
We shall see.
I'm using Lizbeth Fruit Fizz which I love."
I just LOVE your shuttles.
Bernice is next in the inbox. She has this to say:
"Good Morning Jane,
I have attached my Day 1, done with Size 20 Lizbeth 178 Grape Pomegranate. Looking forward to another albeit last TIAS.
Calgary AB CANADA"
Next is Denise J who has arrived in the inbox with her THREE TIAS's all started. Her comment and picture follow:
"I want to start out thanking you for another fun start to the year. I look forward to TIAS at the start of each year.
I’ve been impressed in the past with those who would tat multiple Motifs each year. I can usually barely finish one. But since I pulled out my shuttles and saw so many nearly full shuttles, I decided to try to clear some of them. I had plenty to rewind these continuously. Of course I’ve tangled the six shuttles countless times already so I might give up on my lofty goal and just pick one before this is all over. But for now, here is a photo of my first day tatting three at once. I just hope they don’t tangle again!
Now we're back in Hungary again!!! This is the day 1 from Ildikó:
"Hi Jane!
I'm Ildikó Szabóné from Hungary. Here's my work.
Now we have Sue from here in England. She says:
"Here's my day 1 offering. It's definitely going to be my Elephants Foot Umbrella Stand (EFUS)!!
Sue (Pigmini)"
From England we're now going across the English Channel to The Netherlands and this is from Ankie Kaspers. Riet sent it to me for her.
Well, back to Poland again!!!! I'm travelling far and wide this year!! This next day 1 is from Małgorzata who says:
"Hello Jane. This is my first day at TIAS 2018.Will it be a snail ? Greetings from Poland Bielsko-Biała
Małgorzata Handzlik"
Next to arrive is from Ewa (also from Poland). Barbara is kindly helping her and another Polish tatter out by sending their work to me.
To ogonek już jest, a może to warkocz komety?
This tail is already here, or maybe it's the comet's tail?"
Now Longina is thinking big with her comment;
"A ja stawiam na jednorożca
And I bet on a unicorn."
Next to arrive is Aniko who is also from Hungary. This is what she has to say:
"Anikó vagyok Magyarországból. Örülök ennek a játéknak. Köszönöm Neked.
I am Aniko from Hungary. I'm glad this game. Thank you."
Now we're back to Poland again with Edyta who says:
"Hello. This is my first TIAS, but already I'm glad for him. I wonder what will be the end result? Maybe it will be a colorful butterfly? Regards, Edyta."
I love your shuttles, Edyta.
Next we're off to Hungary again. This is the picture and message that I've just received:
"Biró László Magyarország
Hungary Laszlo Biro"
Back to Poland and this time it's Barbara who has a really good idea about what we're making!!!
"I am Barbara Tomazewska and I am from Poland --- my 1 day Tias2018
in my opinion it will be a giraffe.Regards from Poland."
Now for a change. This time it's Anikó from Romania. Welcome to TIAS 2018, Anikó.
"Dear Jane,
I'm Anikó Mazar from Romania.
I play for the first time in this game. I chose my own yarn, 20 thick. The first day is completed. I look forward to the choke."
Wanda is next to arrive in my inbox. This is what she has to say:
"Hello, Jane! A little slow getting started but here is my day 1. My guess today is a bicycle built for two!
Wanda from Kansas, USA"
Hmmmm, that's an interesting guess!!!
Another American tatter has just arrived. It's Krystal who is back again after doing her first TIAS last year. She says:
"Hi I'm Krystal in California.
This is my second year participating. Thread says omega 30 no color on it."
Now a big hello to Caroline who says:
"I am Caroline H from Omaha Nebraska. Our kids have missed school twice this year already because of the cold. Morning temperatures below zero and wind chills lower yet. Many of our kids are bussed so they feel it is to cold for them to stand and wait for the bus and some do not have the warm clothing to wear to stay warm. In prior years it has been because of the snow and ice on the streets. Needless to say I stay in as much as I can. I have done your TAIS for many years and always look forward to it every year. Sure will miss you next year as you bring sun shine at the beginning of each year. Did not look to see what color of thread I used. Will look next time."
It's cold here too, Caroline but not as cold as it is in Nebraska I'm pleased to say!!!!
Another lovely Polish tatter has now popped in for her first TIAS. Thank you for joining us, Magdalena. This is what she says:
"Witam serdecznie.
Na Pani prośbę przesyłam w załączniku fotkę z mojego supłania TIAS 2018.
Dziękuję za możliwość wspólnego supłania zastanawiam
się co to może być, w zeszłorocznym TIAS była Panienka,
za wiele nie wiedziałam ii byłam tylko obserwatorką.
Tym razem postanowiłam spróbować i tak sobie myślę że może
to będzie jakiś owad motyl albo ważka.
Pozdrawiam cieplutko Magdalena Kozłowska - Polska.
I warmly welcome.
At the request of Mrs I send in Annex pic of my supłania TIAS 2018.
Thank you for the possibility of joint supłania wonder
what it might be, in last year's TIAS it was a young lady,
too many did not know i was just observer.
This time I decided to try it and I was thinking that maybe
it will be a butterfly or dragonfly insect.
I greet warmly Magdalena Kozlowska - Poland."
Barbara has now returned with her own Day 1 and a guess too. She says:
"myślę że to będzie jaszczurka..
I think it will be a lizard."
Next to arrive is Judy who has this to say:
"Phoenix, AZ, USA
Variegated ?? Lizbeth 20..
Excited for this TIAS !"
The next arrival is from Ilona who is from Hungary. She says:
I'll send you my "to-be-creature". I'm really a starter, so it was a real challenge for me.
Thanks for the game!"
Still in Hungary the next arrival is from Elizabeth and Joli Mama sent this one in for her:
"Kedves Jane! A Hajócsipke csoportból Erzsébet Pál is elkészítette, küldöm az Ő munkájának a képét is :-)
Dear Jane! The group also prepared the boat Lace Elizabeth Paul, I am sending a picture of his work as well :-)
Joli Mama"
A warm welcome now to György who has sent in her day 1. This is what she has to say:
"Androczi I am György, Zsóka from Hungary.
Thank you, this game.
Six months I learn it the ship lace making.
I enjoy all of his moments.
I take a part in this game gladly. The solution of the first daily task.
With a greeting
1 comment:
Just logging in my guess for Day 1-- a stork! I hope he doesn't fly away too soon. ==Marjorie in sunny California
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