First of all - tomorrow will be day 7
Top of this morning's list is Mary who says:
Well, I finally think it’s an animal leg or maybe a tail, but what animal?
Mary in California"
Denise R is still sticking to her guess and she could be right. OR she could be wrong, of course!
"I still think a animal of some kind."
Now I have Barbara who has sent in two of her day 6's. Here's what she says:
"Dear Jane,
I’ve caught up with both my mystery tattings. This was kind of tricky for me. I messed up on both times joining to the vsp to R7. My thumb kept covering R7, so I kept joining to R8 and completing the ring. I ended cutting off the ring when I couldn’t get it open. (There are telltale clues evident if you look closely.
I thought our mystery might be a seal or walrus, but now I don’t think so. If that’s a tail, it sure is a thick one. Hmmm… Could it be a front limb of a cloven mammal?
Barbara in NorCal"
Sorry to hear about your mishaps, Barbara. I think tatting patterns does teach us all to read carefully. I just couldn't read somebody's pattern in Canada last year until my dear friend Ruth told me to read it carefully!!! She was right and when I did that I got it sorted!!!
Next in is from Grace who has sent in her days 5 and 6.
Grazyna is next to arrive in my inbox with her comment and picture:
"Witaj Jane. Mój dzień 6 właśnie skończyłam i wygląda jak ogonek ale czego? nadal nie wiem. Serdecznie pozdrawiam wszystkie uczestniczki zabawy.
Hello, Jane. 6 My day was finished and it looks like the tail of what? I still do not know. I cordially greet all the participants of fun."
Another Polish tatter is next in my inbox - this time it's Lucyna who says:
"Dziękuję bardzo. Podziwiam Twoje cudowne prace i niesamowite pomysły. Oto mój dzień 6. Może to będzie słoń? Wiem, że i tak mnie zaskoczysz!
Pozdrawiam. Lucyna
Thank you very much. I admire your wonderful work and amazing ideas. Here's my day 6. This may be the elephant? I know that and so surprise me!
Regards. Lucyna"
It may be the elephant, Lucyna but it may not be the elephant!!!
Next I have another new arrival to this year's TIAS. Welcome, Celine. This is her comment and all her pictures.
"Hello Jane is late but great pleasure to participate in this new tias.
Here are my days 1 to 6. I think we're doing a cat 
Have a good day, see you soon. Céline Grangier"
Next to arrive is Annelies who says:
"Hi Jane,
It's nice to join in again with a TIAS this year. I don't do a lot of tatting, but I like it very much to have a small part to work on every few days.
Here's a photo of my day 6:
It looks to me as if it's some kind of a tail, perhaps a mermaid?
I'm looking forward to the next parts.
Annelies from the Netherlands"
Finally in this batch is Katie and her six TIAS's!! She says:
"Here's Day 6. It's a chorus line. Hear the music? The cancan begins!
Ankie has just arrived with her day 6 and she says:
"Dag 6 stuur ik nu naar je toe.
Groetjes Ankie."
Day 6 I send to you now.
Greetings Ankie."
Next to arrive is Magdalena who says:
"Dzień piąty.Pozdrawiam serdecznie Magdalena.
Fifth day.
Yours sincerely Magdalena.
Christiane is next to arrive with her day 6.
"Hello Jane, thanks a lot for your kind words for my scissors! Here is my day 6 and I just find out what went wrong the whole time. You know, when you find it out you can’t think everything is fine or a design mistake… I was in my tatting mood and didn’t mentioned that my chain thread must be the violet one. Really thinking to start new with other colours (black is also not my favourite colour to tat a whole… may be parrot?
). So will sleep one night and may be start day 1-7 tomorrow with more beautiful colours
Best wishes from Switzerland! Christiane
I know it's not easy following a pattern when you don't have the whole picture but it also makes you do patterns that you probably wouldn't start if you DID see the picture. If you understand me!"
Next to arrive is Cindy who says:
"Hi Jane,
This week started off quite discombobulated… But last night, during knit night, I finished tatting day 6. To the lady who was wondering about having switched shuttles (2 days ago, I think), yes we are now working with the shuttle that has the beads on it as working shuttle/ring shuttle. There was a switch shuttles when we got to the top of the first string of Split Rings. I assume we will switch back at some point, but for now, you are totally correct. It really does look like a tail or a paw. And with the beads, it certainly looks like it will be an animal. But what kind? I am going to venture a guess it is a cat, though there are the vsps at the ’toes’… I am very patiently waiting for the next clue!
I am loving all the guesses, and I am delighted with the game."
Well not long to wait - day 7 will be tomorrow, Cindy.
Denise is next with her day 6 and the following comment.
"Well it’s a little late, the weather here is making my hand hurt very much so I do what I can when I can. Shuttle Tatting is still easier than needle tatting.
I think it’s a horse leg .
Denise Brant"
Well that'll be three more to make then, Denise!!!!
Now I have Sonja back again with her days 4, 5 and 6. She says:
"Hello Jane
So here my day 4-5-6. Sorry for late incoming, from now I do it better.
I think it will be a salamander
Greetings from Sonja of Holland"
Now I have a new starter - it's Michelle who says:
"Hello There!
I’m Michelle, coming to you from Laveen, AZ, USA
Just stumbled across the TIAS and spent last night catching up on all the fun. Had to refresh myself on how to needle tat split rings. My little girl thinks it’s a shrimp’s tail. I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s the tail end of an abnormal hemoglobin cell, aka- Sickle Cell Anemia.
Hope you have a wonderful day!"
That's a gorgeous colour of Lizbeth, Michelle. Must go and check to see if I've got any of it!!!
Anne-Marie is the next person into my inbox and she's sent in her day 6 with the following comment:
"Hello Jane, here is my day 6.Is it a leg of I don't know which animal ? .But, how many days is there, because, if we make 4 legs, 1 head, 1 body, we go To Christmas 2018....

Anne-Marie ( France )"
Hmmmmm, I think if we go on til Christmas it must be a reindeer?!??! We'll see, Anne-Marie, we'll see!!!
Now I have another day 6 in from Caroline. She says:
"Well, I have finished my other obligations so on to tatting day 6"