Thursday, 4 February 2016


Tomorrow will be day 12.  Things have quietened down at TIAS central - hope you're all OK.

First in today is from Sharon who says.
"Whew! I think I finally got it! Realized I'd done Day 10's scmr  wrong so had to untat.
I have learned a lot."

Maria has just arrived - I was wondering where she was!!! She says.
"Sorry, I realized I forgot to add my photo of day 8. ... :P so here it is..... 
And then I got sidetracked and am back to playing catch-up ...... Again! 
So without further ado, here is are also days 9, 10, & 11. 
I realize that 'most' purple-people-eaters are 1 eyed & 1 horned but this little guy must be a hybrid.... :)"

Sonya is next in the inbox with her day 11. She says.
"Hello everyone, 
I am very glad to read that I was not alone! Day 11 was a bit of a challenge, but that is a good thing. Thank you, Jane, for stretching me. 
I was confused, at first, but after confirming my interpretation of the instructions with you everything went well. Thank you for the help. I had to think through that first join as well, but I think I got it right. 
Thank you for all your work. 

Next in is Anita who says.
"Hi Jane, 
Attached is my tatted part 11, a bit late this time. 
AND I figured out why the length of the whiskers is not that important! 
Whispering: They are meant to be cut! :-) 
You are right, Anita!!!!  No need to whisper - I'll help you keep the secret!!!

Mary Jane has just arrived with her day 11. This is what she says.
"Seems my little bunny don't want to travel. Mailed him 3 times. Don't think she hopped over the water. Try again 
Mary Jane. Indiana USA"

Barbara is next in my inbox with her day 11. Good to see the 11's arriving now!
"Hi Jane 
By George, I think I got it!!! 
Thank you for your help - I'm caught up again and eager for the next step. 
This has been an excellent learning experience- really super! 

Denise has just arrived with her day 10. She says.
"Struggled a little with the extra loops but finally got them done. Now thinking rabbit"

Sue is next with day 11 - thanks Sue.
"Here's my Blue Peter with both his ears... 
All the better to hear you :-) 
This bit was quite a challenge as my 3rd brain cell was not functioning well! LOL"

Cheryl is next in with her day 11 and comment too. She says.
"Hi, well I had quite a hard time on day 11. I just couldn’t get it in my head.  I picked and cut so much, I finally tossed it and started again. Finally got it in my head. “But by the grace of God, go I.” 
I still couldn’t get the picot on the top of the second ear. I did a little fudging to make it hang from the end. 
But I’m caught up again. Whew."

Unbelievable - Denise is back so fast after her day 10 with her day 11.  That was really, really fast.  Here's her picture.

Next to arrive is Carine who has sent in her day 10. She says.
"You thought I had given Jane , not at all, I'm just late I'm always late like Alice's rabbit :-) I love your tat and see !
I love your pictures, Carine.

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