Friday, 10 April 2009

dani's CYOP TIAS - day 7!

hi all!

today's the day! all three options! the end of the pattern! thrills! chills! no spills, though, they're hard to clean!

&&(A) if you are following option A, include the green portions surrounded by &&s. &&

@(B) if you wish to follow option B, include the orange portions surrounded by @ signs. @

%(C) if you wish to follow option C, include the blue portions surrounded by % signs. %

* Ch: 6
R: 3+3+3
Ch: 6
R: 3+ to previous join, 3-3 *
repeat twice more

Ch: 6
R: 3+3+3
Ch: 3-3 + to last join, 2
R: 3-3-3-3 (not joined to anything yet!)
Ch: 3+ to last chain p, 3
R: 3+3-3-3
* Ch: 6
R: 3+3-3-3 *
repeat once more

Ch: 6
R: 3+3-6

Ch: 8, do not reverse, switch shuttles
R: 2-2, do not reverse, switch shuttles
Ch: 8 + to top of last ring, 6+ to next ring, 6+6+6+6+ to first picot of previously free ring
R: 3+ to next p on prev round, 3-3
Ch: 6
R: 3+3+3
Ch: 6
R: 3+3-3

Ch: 6
R: 3+3+3
R: 6+ to next chain p (on the add-on), 2-4
* Ch: 8
R: 4+2+2-4 *
repeat once more

Ch: 8
R: 4+4-4
Ch: 6, reverse, switch shuttles
Ch: 2
R: 2-2, do not reverse, switch shuttles
Ch: 8
R: 4+4-4
* Ch: 8
R: 4+2+2-4 *
repeat twice more

Ch: 8
R: 4+2+ to same chain p as last join, 2-4
Ch: 8
R: 4+2+2-4
Ch: 8
R: 4+2+6
Ch: 4
R: 3+ to both the free p on the add-on and the next p on the prev round, 3-3

Ch: 6
R: 2+2+2-2
* Ch: 6
R: 3+3+3-3 *
repeat twice more

* Ch: 6
R: 2+2+2-2
Ch: 6
R: 3+3-3 (does not join to prev round!) *
repeat three more times

Ch: 6
R: 2+2+2-2
Ch: 6
R: 3+3+ to first ring of this round, 3 (does not join to prev round!)
Ch: 6
join to base of first ring of this round
cut & tie

(option A, 20 new rings, option B, 24 new rings, option C, 28 new rings.)

well, folks, that's the end of the Choose Your Own Pattern Tat-It-And-See!

i'll post stuff and answer questions as quick as i can, although it seems that comments are somehow not coming through. i'm sure Jane & i can work out the details! i'll be posting all the pictures i have saved up tomorrow, probably lunch time.

thanks for playing!


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