Monday, 4 May 2009

dani's CYOP - TIAS - the end?

hi all!

so, by "tomorrow" i clearly meant a week-and-a-half later.... sigh... i should have borrowed Jane's "spare" brain cell. next time, if inspiration should ever strike again, i'll remember this!

in the meantime, for those who've been waiting sooo patiently for me to post their pics... here you go!

i kept thinking through-out that option A should have been option E... for Egg! option B is a Bunny, as many have guessed, and Option C is a chick! (one tatter couldn't figure out what option C was, until someone rotated it to horizontal instead of vertical!)

Tatskool made Option A and came out with a Chiton...? see her blog for details!

Sonja from Holland - Option A

Sonja from Holland - Option B

Sonja from Holland - Option C

Carla - Option A (Paasei)

Carla - Option B (Paashaas)

Carla - Option C (Kuiken)

Riet - Option B

Unarae in Alaska - Option C - day 5

Gina from the Netherlands - Option C - i love the background drawing and the eye!

Marty - Option A

Marty - Option C

ladytats - Option C - day 6

ladytats - Option C

mine - Option A(Egg)

mine - Option C(hick)

mine - Option B(unny)

and so the Choose-Your-Own-Pattern Tat-It-And-See comes to an end (except for pictures you send me! (dmr22 at cornell dot edu) which i promise to post at least once a week!)

the patterns will eventually (see, i can be taught!) be up on my website in PDF form... honest!

dani, the geek

Monday, 13 April 2009

dani's CYOP TIAS - pics 2

so... this project might need a bit of blocking... i know i've been stretching mine flat as i went along...

day 3 - Tatskool

day 5 - Tatskool

Option B - Marco - close... the last round is a bit off... i'll check and see if the pattern is right.


Sunday, 12 April 2009

dani's CYOP TIAS - pics 1

so, clearly, by "tomorrow, lunch time" i meant "Sunday morning"... i don't call myself "dani, the late" for nothing... sigh.

in a comment from an earlier post, Tat'sKool asked how to send pictures for posting. my main email is dmr22, cornell, edu. we have comments now, so you can put them there too...

Riet - day 2

Riet - day 5, option C

Suzanne - day 3

Suzanne - day 5, option C

Friday, 10 April 2009

dani's CYOP TIAS - day 7!

hi all!

today's the day! all three options! the end of the pattern! thrills! chills! no spills, though, they're hard to clean!

&&(A) if you are following option A, include the green portions surrounded by &&s. &&

@(B) if you wish to follow option B, include the orange portions surrounded by @ signs. @

%(C) if you wish to follow option C, include the blue portions surrounded by % signs. %

* Ch: 6
R: 3+3+3
Ch: 6
R: 3+ to previous join, 3-3 *
repeat twice more

Ch: 6
R: 3+3+3
Ch: 3-3 + to last join, 2
R: 3-3-3-3 (not joined to anything yet!)
Ch: 3+ to last chain p, 3
R: 3+3-3-3
* Ch: 6
R: 3+3-3-3 *
repeat once more

Ch: 6
R: 3+3-6

Ch: 8, do not reverse, switch shuttles
R: 2-2, do not reverse, switch shuttles
Ch: 8 + to top of last ring, 6+ to next ring, 6+6+6+6+ to first picot of previously free ring
R: 3+ to next p on prev round, 3-3
Ch: 6
R: 3+3+3
Ch: 6
R: 3+3-3

Ch: 6
R: 3+3+3
R: 6+ to next chain p (on the add-on), 2-4
* Ch: 8
R: 4+2+2-4 *
repeat once more

Ch: 8
R: 4+4-4
Ch: 6, reverse, switch shuttles
Ch: 2
R: 2-2, do not reverse, switch shuttles
Ch: 8
R: 4+4-4
* Ch: 8
R: 4+2+2-4 *
repeat twice more

Ch: 8
R: 4+2+ to same chain p as last join, 2-4
Ch: 8
R: 4+2+2-4
Ch: 8
R: 4+2+6
Ch: 4
R: 3+ to both the free p on the add-on and the next p on the prev round, 3-3

Ch: 6
R: 2+2+2-2
* Ch: 6
R: 3+3+3-3 *
repeat twice more

* Ch: 6
R: 2+2+2-2
Ch: 6
R: 3+3-3 (does not join to prev round!) *
repeat three more times

Ch: 6
R: 2+2+2-2
Ch: 6
R: 3+3+ to first ring of this round, 3 (does not join to prev round!)
Ch: 6
join to base of first ring of this round
cut & tie

(option A, 20 new rings, option B, 24 new rings, option C, 28 new rings.)

well, folks, that's the end of the Choose Your Own Pattern Tat-It-And-See!

i'll post stuff and answer questions as quick as i can, although it seems that comments are somehow not coming through. i'm sure Jane & i can work out the details! i'll be posting all the pictures i have saved up tomorrow, probably lunch time.

thanks for playing!


Wednesday, 8 April 2009

dani's CYOP TIAS - day 6

hi all!

sorry for the lack of a day 6 yesterday, but i was home sick... sigh... nothing big, just... sick.

we've had some confusion when i made a mistake (of which another was found, this time in day 3) or when i varied from the previously established pattern. so i'm noting where it might look wrong, but isn't, i swear!

today's options are A&C vs B

@(B) if you wish to follow option B, include the orange portions surrounded by @ signs. @

%(A&C) if you wish to follow options A or C, include the blue portions surrounded by % signs. %

a reminder: {split ring/chain} and [normal tatting]

Round 4:

{SR: 2-2/2-2} or [R: 2-2+ last picot of prev round, 2-2]
* Ch: 6
R: 3+3-3 (yes, these rings don't join to the prev round!}
Ch: 6
R: 2+2+ to prev round, 2-2 *
repeat once more

* Ch: 6
R: 3+3+3-3 *
repeat two more times

Ch: 6
R: 2+2+2-2
* Ch: 6
R: 3+3+ to next chain, 3 (yes, no picot)
Ch: 6
R: 3+ to same p as prev ring, 3-3 *
%(A&C) repeat 3 more times %

@(B) do not repeat grouping (one pair total)
Ch: 6
R: 3+3+3
R: 3-3-3-3
CH: 4+ to last p, 6
R: 3+ to top p of prev ring, 3-3-3
Ch: 6
R: 3+3-3-3
R: 3+3-3-3
Ch: 6

R: 3+3-3-3, do not reverse after close, switch shuttles
Ch: 6
R: 2-2, do not reverse after close, switch shuttles
Ch: 12+ to last p on last ring, 4+ to next p, 4+ to next ring, 8+6+3-3+2+ to next open p on prev round, 3+ to picot earlier on this chain, 3

R: 3+ to same p on prev round, 3-3
Ch: 6
R: 3+3+ to next chain, 3
Ch: 6
R: 3+3-3

in all three cases, you should be just past the center line at the tip of the rev round
(options A&C, 17 new rings, option B, 21 new rings)

hooray! one more day to go! and all options!!! (gulp!)


Monday, 6 April 2009

TIAS examples through day 4!

day 1 - Tatskool

day 2 - Jeanne (LadyTats)

day 3 - Jeanne (LadyTats)

day 4 - Jeanne (LadyTats)

Sunday, 5 April 2009

dani's CYOP TIAS - day 5

hi all!

no options today... all versions are the same! but tomorrow... oh tomorrow there will be options!

a reminder: {split ring/chain} and [normal tatting]

R: 6+ to next p, 3-3
* Ch: 3-3
R: 3+3+3-3 *
repeat 3 more times

Ch: 3-3
R: 3+3+6

Ch: 4-4
R: 3+ to next available ring base, 3
Ch: 3-3
R: 6+ to next join on prev round, 3-3
Ch: 3-3
R: 2+2+2-2
Ch: 3-3
R: 3+3+6
{SCh: 3/3} or [Ch: 3-3, join, cut and tie]

(10 new rings total)

see you tomorrow!

(oh, and i'll put up the pictures i've gotten then)


Saturday, 4 April 2009

dani's CYOP TIAS - day 4

hi all!

today we have options!

@(A&B) if you wish to follow options A or B, include the orange portions surrounded by @ signs. @

%(C) if you wish to follow the C option, include the blue portions surrounded by % signs. %

a reminder: {split ring/chain} and [normal tatting]

Round 3:

{SR: 3/3}
or [R: 3+ to end of prev round, 3]
Ch: 4-4

R: 6+ to next p, 3-3
* Ch: 3-3
R: 3+3+3-3 *
repeat 3 more times

Ch: 3-3
R: 3+3+6

Ch: 4-4
R: 3+3
Ch: 4-4
R: 6+ to next chain, 3-3
* Ch: 4-4
R: 3+3-3 *
repeat once more

Ch: 4-4
R: 3+3+ to next chain, 6

@(A & B) Ch: 4-4 @

Ch:4, place a paperclip or some other marker in the chain at this point to leave a place to join later
Ch: 3
R: 2-4-2
Ch: 3-3
R: 2+4-2
Ch: 3-3
R: 2+2-2-2
Ch: 3-6-3

R: 2+2+2-2
* Ch: 3-3
R: 2+4-2 *
repeat once more
Ch: 3-3
R: 2+2-2-2
Ch: 3-6-3
R: 2+2+2+ to first ring in this section, 2
Ch: 3 + to where you left the paperclip or other marker
Ch: 4

R: 3+ to next chain on prev round, 3
Ch: 4-4

(options A&B, 13 new rings. option C, 21 new rings)

we confused yet? bwah-hah-hah-hah-hah! (insert evil laugh sound effect here!)

Friday, 3 April 2009

day 1 from Jeanne

Jeanne appears to be choosing to use {split ring/chain}, where Suzanne is option for [standard].

dani's TIAS - day 3

i think i'm going to call the options a CYOP - Choose Your Own Pattern... kind of like the CYOA - Choose Your Own Adventure books from the 80s.

oh, and there's a correction on day 2!

a reminder: {split ring/chain} and [normal tatting]

R: 3+ to last small r, 3+ to base of ring on last round, 3-3

* R: 3+ to prev ring, 3+ to prev round, 3-3
Ch: 3-3 *
repeat 4 more times

R: 3+ to prev ring, 3+ to base of ring on prev round, 3-3 --oops!--
Ch: 4 + to last p, 4+ to join on prev round, 4+ to next p, 4 to start of this round

[cut & tie]

(7 new rings total)

tomorrow, an option!

Thursday, 2 April 2009

From Suzanne!

Just in from Suzanne. Great start.

dani's TIAS - day 2

since i left this so late (darn that knitting, anyway!), i'll be releasing these updates more often than your average TIAS... unless i hear an uproar from the populace.

a reminder: {split ring/chain} and [normal tatting]

Round 2:

{SR: 3-3/3-3} or [R: 3-3+ to base of ring at end of last round, 3-3]

* R: 3+ to prev ring, 3+ to prev round, 3-3
Ch: 3-3 *
repeat 4 more times

R: 3+ to prev ring, 3+ to base of ring on prev round, 3-3 --oops!--
Ch: 3-3
R: 3+ to prev ring, 3
Ch: 3-3
R: 3+ to join on prev round, 3
Ch: 3-3
R: 3-3
Ch: 3-3

(10 new rings total)

yes, i know, we only went halfway around... heh, heh, heh... (another good reason to release daily!)


Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Dani's Easter TIAS - day 1

hi all!

i've come up with something slightly different for this tat-it-and-see... multiple choices! the first few days will be all alike, then i'll present options A, B, and C for the last few days.

i envision this done in a different pastel color for rings and chains, and a different pair of colors for every round, but i did mine in the variegated i happened to have on my shuttle. it would look good in anything, really!

a couple more bits of bookkeeping, i'll present split ring/chain options in {pink curly braces} and normal tatting in [green square brackets], and i'll show the number of new rings at the end in (parentheses).

on to day one!

R: 3-3-3-3
*Ch: 3-3
R: 3+3-3-3*
repeat 4 more times

Ch: 4+ to side p, 4 + to top p
Ch: *3-3 + to next top p * to end

Ch: 4+ to side p, 4 + to beginning

[cut and tie]

(6 rings total)

enough to start? excelsior!

dani, the geek 8-)

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Dear Iris:
I send you my version of your TIAS..I will appreciate your comments...Thank you.
Maria Alcántara.México
You did a wonderful job!

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Here is my TIAS. I wasn't going to send this because there are mistakes in it. I did this while sitting with someone in the hospital and it wasn't easy to concentrate. Thanks for the TIAS. Hopefully mine will be better next time.

Monday, 16 March 2009

I send you my doily with the different center
I am looking out for the next TIAS
Riet the B-engel

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Hello Iris,
here is my result of the tias.
it is a lovely ornament!!
i wil not make it to a doily.
it was very nice tot take part in the tias.
thank you very much for it.

Hello Iris

Thank you very much for the beautiful pattern in the TIAS. I Made it and love it. You did a great job

From Sonja Labordus in Holland
(Tatter and bobbinlacemaker)

Friday, 6 March 2009


Here is a photo of my rendition of your TIAS to include in the TIAS
blog. Thanks for doing it. It was fun. In fact I liked it so much I
am, like others, going to complete the whole doily.


Hi Iris,
I now see in your dolly picture that I was right when I thought that on day 5 there was a little mistake in the pattern

51) LC ring clover 6+3-3(join to opposite LC ring), 3+6-4-6-3, 3+3-6Continue from 13) to 22)

I think it had to be:
51) LC ring clover 6+3-3(join to opposite LC ring), 3+6+(join on big LC ring from first motive)4-6-3, 3+3-6Continue from 13) to 22)

One of my members also asked that, but on that moment you were in the plain and I couldn't mail you So I told her that you didn't made a join so the best thing was folow your pattern
It is also possible to do it without the join as you can see in the picture what is comming with this mail, meaby it wil gave problems when I close the doly, but than I can do something with neddle work.
Riet the B-engel
Yes, Riet, you are right, at the end to hurry I made this mistake. Thank you for the advice.

This is the doily Wally Sosa finished. I find, she has done a beautiful work. She joined the inner big rings togehter, which I forgot to write in my pattern. Thank you Wally.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Hi Iris,
Here is my completed TIAS. The design is absolutely stunning and I think it would make a lovely doiley. I hope you will be publishing a diagram for the whole doiley.
Thank you so much for 5 days of pure enchantment and anticipation.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Hi Iris,
Here is my part 4. I still don't know what it is, unless you are taking us through a doily step by step. I do think it is incredibly beautiful. It amazes me how your mind works and can figure all of these designs out. You're my hero!
Thank you, Laura

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Hi, Iris,
attached is a pic of my versions of your wonderful TIAS, using hand-dyed
threads (I think Marilee's, but I've lost the labels; the green may be
Sherry's). In the purple one, the use of the variegated may
significantly reduce the contrast inherent in your design. That's why
I started the second one, to emphasize the contrast. See where I ran
out of thread?!

Thank you for all the work in designing and preparing the TIAS for us.
It's so fun!!
Big, big hugs,
Katie Verna
Creedmoor NC
Katie, the color is so beautiful!

Iris is it like this.
I have to be sure before I put it on my blog
Thanks in advance
Riet the B-engel - Yes Riet, this is perfect!

Saturday, 28 February 2009

I mail you my result of day 3 - Riet the B-engel

This is very pretty, Iris. I hope I still have it right! Laura Blanton

Here is my attempt at steps 1 - 12. I hope I have it right. The only mistake I know I made and had to redo was the last clover. I didn't pay attention and tatted it in the dark color instead of light. Whatever it is, I think it is going to be pretty.
Thanks again,
Laura Blanton