Only 2 in my inbox to start the day so here they are!!!
First in is Helene who says:-
56. "Hi Jane,
This is the bittersweet moment of the TIAS.
I am glad to have finished the sailboat, but am a bit sad knowing I have to wait another year to be a part of this world wide tatting community.
Thank you Jane for giving us this opportunity, it was great fun, even if I have to acknowledge that I am no good at guessing.
I used no. 20 Coats Opera threads.
Will be reading your blog regularly, so see you very soon.
Laval, Québec, Canada"
Next in is Jennifer who says:-
57. "Here's my competed sail boat from Galesburg, Illinois!"
Back again after breakfast and Emilia has joined the fleet of ships!!! She says:-
58. "Goodmorning Jane,
Attached the picture of the lovely sailboat you designed for us. I am sorry that it is finished. I will miss the excitement, but there will be a next year you said. Can’t hardly wait.
I used yarn DMC babylo no 20. Colors no.????
Till next year.
Emilia, Lelystad Netherlands
p.s. are the banks still flooded?
No, Emilia the banks are not still flooded but the ground is very, very muddy where I walk!!!
Good afternoon. I'm back and with Val's as the first in of this batch. She says:-
59. "I know you say no need to thank you for the TIAS, but I want to acknowledge your generosity in sharing nonetheless. It's been a fun TIAS, yet again! Looking forward to the next! P.S. Will post this on my blog ( tomorrow. ;P
Val (Singapore -- for TIAS)"
Denise appears to be having problems with her mail getting to me but here's her picture and I'm hoping to get her comment later!
60. "Hi Jane ,
I'm not sure if you received the other e-mails, but here is another with an attachment instead of the pic in the body of the e-mail."
Phyllis has just arrived too.
61. "Here is my sailboat for this year. Sorry Jane, I knew we were to change colors; however, I either did not remember/see/forgot where that change was to happen. Anyway, it is camouflaged for sailing the high seas. Thread is size 20 by Yarnplayer (Marilee Rockley). Color is Peaches 'n Onions.
Look forward to next year. Even though this is my third, it is great fun.
Phyllis Schmidt"
So if yours is camouflaged does that make it a pirate ship?
Next in is our other Denise who says:-
62. "I love it. Never would have guessed it.
Denise Royal
Ravelry ID - wickedcrochetlady"
Helen is the next to arrive with her completed boat. She says:-
63. "Dear Jane,
I would like to thank you for creating TIAS which lets me learn more. I think my sailboat is different from your pattern because of a mistake in joining.
Well it looks great to me, Helen. In fact it looks like it's on choppy seas in your picture!!!
Well, here's a surprise look what's turned up too!!!! Another pram from the TIAS 2013. That will bring the total there up to 127, I think. So, will we beat that total this year? Anyway, here's what Marty says:-
64. "A sailboat! I love it. I thought it was going to be something else -- anything else, because so many people guessed sailboat. :)
Here's a bonus: I finally found my matching thread and my pram body at the same time and put on the handle. Finished my 2013 and 2014 TIAS the same day!

Next to arrive is Sue D who I was getting worried about as she's usually faster than this - too busy drinking gallons of coffee, I think!!
65. "Hi Jane
McVroom says.... can he have one with the sails so that he can land on it please!?!?!
Here's the finished result.... just have the ends to finish off....
Thread was Lizbeth Rainbow Taffy and the green was a coats green from my stash.
Thanks for the fun!!
Sue (off to put a blog post up now....)
Sailing into the TIAS port next is Martha who says:-
66. "Here is my final sailboat. Last night I read Jeff's hilarious pirate talk and all the poems, etc, on the TIAS blog and I fear I have nothing witty to say, except thanks for another fun ride. It led me to ponder color blips on split ring joins."
Betty has now sailed into this safe harbour and this is her seventh time of doing the TIAS. Here's what she says:-
67. "Dear Jane,
I loved it again to follow the TIAS. This time it was for me the seventh time I participated.
I send you a photo of the result. Maybe I will make another one in a different colour.
I live in the middle of the Netherlands in the city Soest.
Thank you for the TIAS and I look forward to the next project.
Greetings from
Betty Vos- den Blanken
The Netherlands"