Thank you to everybody who has sent in goats already. This blog will remain open for goats for the next year!!! There are now 58 in and I'm seriously keeping my fingers crossed that we make 100. That's my target!!! I have a few more in this morning which are as follows.
59. So, first this morning is from Anita with some wonderful pictures and a great explanation too. Here's her offering:-
"Dear Jane,
Well, we've gone through quite an evolution since day one. Here's my collage of days 2-11.
I decided to take Tatters home, for after all, where is a goat more satisfied than at home, eating the clothes off the clothesline??
A bit of explanation about the picture.
The 5th Wheel RV in the background is our home...we travel full time. Our roots are in Indiana, where our family still lives. In the summer, we often camp host at a State Park there. Of course, as in many parks, there is a rule against having a clothesline out front. I compiled this photo as a joke for our coordinator and titled it "On Connie's Day Off".
It provided the perfect backdrop for Tatter's final appearance.
I have enjoyed this so much, Jane! I hope to eventually be able to design some of my own tatting ideas, and your patterns give me such inspiration. I love to see how you manage to get from one element to another, such as you did to get back up the legs.
Thanks for another great TIAS!
My blog is at and there's a whole page there on this year's TIAS!
Anita, aka Yuma Tatter, Arizona, USA, (or wherever we happen to be parked)"
60. Well, WHAT a coincidence. The next goat into my inbox is from Bernice who is a RVer too and in (I think!) roughly the same area as Anita. Wonder if they've ever met up? Perhaps the TIAS will become a 'dating agency' too?!?!? Anyway, enough of me - let's hear from Bernice:-
"TIAS Day 12 I love the was fun to make. Thanks Jane for doing this for us. Bernice O Yuma, AZ for the winter. I am a full time RVer and I needle tat. I have a Blog"
61. Now I have another American goat from Phyllis who says:-
"Hello Jane and all fellow tatters. Just finished my goat and am impressed. Learned several new techniques which I am incorporating into current and future projects. It went by so quickly and had alot of fun. Will wait patiently for next year. Phyllis in Dallas, GA (no blog yet)"
62. Next in is from Rose Anne in Canada. Hi, Rose Anne. This is what she says:-
"I'm kinda sorry that I used the green shade of cotton but glad I chose the pearls - kind of classy looking is my "gruff goat" minus this scraggly goatie!!!
I just LOVE these TIAS - Tat it and See what it grows up to be!!! It's too bad Jane does these only yearly, but I'm sure it takes ages to plan them out and then prepare the individual steps for all of us to enjoy! So yes I will wait patiently for the next one.
BUT in the mean time I think I'm going to prepare a type of CQd block for the two I've participated in and do some kind of wall hanging that will grow with each new TIAS I participate in. Yep I like this plan more and more."
63. Now I have Sue Anna's Mark the goat and she says:-
"Sad to see the game done but happy to see Mark standing on all fours! His new home is in Northern ,IL. USA. And as soon as his umbilical cords are hidden he can be blocked. His mom's blog can be found at :) Sue Anna"
64. Next in is from Sharon (in rhyme) who says this:-
"Hi, Jane
What fun this has been! Thank you for the time that you have taken to design, teach and then make it all such a grand time. I will end with the last bit of the silly poem that took on a life of its own. These are from the Old Goat himself.
Sharon is sad but I am so glad
That I’m now off the floor
A jokester no more
I can frolic and play
But don’t shout “hooray”
For loud noises are why
Though I try, try , try , try
I can’t do my painting
Because I keep fainting.
Respectfully yours,
Sir Hainting the Fainting Goat
(Thank you Jane for designing me)
Sharon Cooke
Cary, NC, USA
I'm working on a blog but don't have it up an running yet.
Next in is from Martha with her day 11. She simply says:-
"Still rushing to catch up, puff, puff."
65. Now I have Liz's goat all the way from Australia. She says:-
"Thank you ever so much Jane for running this TIAS - I really enjoyed myself and am very pleased with the result.
Liz Atkinson (Victoria, Australia)
To see my work:"
66. Next is from Tine in The Netherlands. She says:-
"Hello Jane.
Good Morning.
How are you?
This is my goat. He has eaten much carrots, so he is orange.
It was very funny to do your Tias. I am waiting for the next one.
Greets Tine"
67. Now I have Marco's goat. Here's what Marco says:-
Hello Jane,,
Here is my result from the tias 2012.
A nice green goat haha.
Was a lot of funn to make it.
Hope there will be a tias soon!!!!!!!!!!!1111
Thanks for al the time you spend making this one .
You made a lot of people very happy.
Greetings untill next time
Marco "

68. Next in is from Monica. Can you see what a long way her goat has had to travel on the map she's sent? Monica says:-
"Hello Jane!
Good afternoon! I hope you are having a nice Saturday... Here I am, finally a bit late in the "race", but oh, I did have so much fun!
I am attaching my last day, and I hope to be able to make a blog post later today. My blog is Thank for making this blog list, it is going to be fun to browse them! I think I'd like to do some sort of "growing goat" collage, I am enjoying the ones I saw. It's a pity I did not have that in mind when I started, so all the pics are different!
I also attach a small map so you can know where this goat was born! I really, really hope you can make a map with the goat locations - I love how they are all over the world!
Peace and greetings to you and to all my fellow tatters in this fun adventure!

69. The next goat to arrive into the herd is from Jeff in Canada and he says:-
"Hi Jane,I have finally finished the TIAS. My Demonic Goat is finished. Actually, he doesn't seem as demonic now that he has all four legs! Hopefully I'll get around to tatting another goat in the near future. Thanks for hosting another TIAS!
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada"
70. Next in with her days 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 is Nicole who says:-
"Thanks so much! Again another great tias!!! Pics may be out of order sending from phone. But Im sure u can figure them out. I should have used different beads but these were on hand. Oh Im from the USA .... Hope u reached 100 !!!!!!"