Friday, 19 March 2021

Another fox has arrived

Well I’m more than delighted to have another new fox drop into my inbox today. This is from Arlene who says

105 ” Hi,
I happily stumbled onto your blog the day you said: I’m 100. I thought : Wow!! This person is 100 and has their own blog. I went onto discover that you had 100 completed fox bookmarks sent to you. Amazing!
I loved your pattern and set to creating my own fox bookmark. I needle tat and had a few problems with the last outline of the head, but had so much tatting my fox.
I used:
a size 5 needle, 
light colored thread: Aunt Lydias Size 10, color copper mist
dark colored thread: DMC Cebelia, unknown color
Arlene Hall
Northern Minnesota

Ha, ha, Arlene - I do have a slightly wacky sense of humour. Please forgive me. I’m only 77 in real life although some days I feel like 100 like most people!! Thanks for taking part in the TIAS.

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