Tatting patterns with the added 'fun' factor. This blog is for the patterns which I'm going to list in 'parts' on my web site. These I'm calling the 'Tat It And See' (TIAS) as the finished result will not be seen until the pattern has been completed!!!
Saturday, 25 February 2017
Friday, 24 February 2017
We're there. Numbers 99 and 100. I'm also DELIGHTED to say that the number 100 is my dear friend Joanie's. Here's what she says:
99. "Dear Jane,
Linda is a new tatter and decided to tat your TIAS 2017. I think she did a great job! She says that your directions were very good and left nothing out! : ) She used Cebelia #10, red. Linda may make a zig zag stitch going from her lady's hand, down to a tatted dog!
100. "Mine is Lizbeth #20, in color 104, Summer Fun. We live in Sebring, Florida.
You should have told Cindy from Dallas what to do with her leftover thread on her shuttles! Just don't throw it away!!!
Thanks for sending those in, Joanie.
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Number 98 - nearly there!!!
I got muddled with the numbers yesterday but not surprised as I was feeling really 'odd' and spent the afternoon/evening in bed. Today I have Barbara's completed lady and she says:
98. "Dear Jane,
Here’s my completed 2017 TIAS Lady. She is shown encircled by an image of the gold necklace she is wearing to her evening event. (The necklace is housed in one of the museums of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C.) She was tatted using Vineyard Harvest, #131, size 20 and a 11/0 gold seed bead.
Thanks for hosting yet another enjoyable TIAS. Will be on the look out for our next one in 2018!
All the best,
California, USA"
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Whoooopppeeeee - one more
Five o'clock on Tuesday and I've got another finished TIAS in my inbox.
This one is from Irene who says:
97. "Hi Jane,
Here is my finished crinoline lady. I am a fairly new tatter, Mary Jane from Indiana suggested I join the TIAS 2017….it was fun. Thanks so much for doing this!
Irene Whitham,
Surrey, BC Canada"
Sunday, 19 February 2017
Numbers 93, 94, 95 and 96 have arrived!!
Well I think we're going to make my 'target' of 100 this year which is very cheering as it means I'll be bringing in BC3 for a TIAS 2018.
This morning I woke to find Lyn's lady in my inbox and she says:
93. "Hi Jane,
Better late than never! And she's not 100%.
I got a bit sidetracked as Ian's dad passed away suddenly and we have been busy arranging a funeral ect.
Anyway thanks again for the TIAS
Lyn, Busselton WA"
So sorry to hear the sad news, Lyn. Hope things improve for you from now on.
Next in today is Phyllis who says:
94. "Sorry for the delay. Got side tracked but her she is.
My little gal seems to be going down a ramp. She just has to be different! Thread is size 20 hand dyed by me. Look forward to next year.
Phyllis in Georgia USA"
Oooooh, I love your HDT. You kindly gave me a skein once. It's lovely.
Gea has also sent in her final lady. She says:
"95. Finally I finished the lady today.
It was busy last week with work outside the country and I had to do a lot of stuff..and all the time I was thinking: what would the TIAS be..the butterfly? No could not be...but only at the end I realised it was the lady with the skirt.
Thank you so much for this years TIAS..
Greetings Gea"
96 "Bonjour Jane,
Et voici enfin mes jours 10 et 11 !
Merci pour ce tias que j'ai pris plaisir à faire comme l'an dernier.
Hello Jane,
And finally here are my 10 and 11 days!
Thank you for this tias I delight to do like last year.
Saturday, 18 February 2017
90 and MORE
I'm so double chuffed this morning to find several new ladies in my inbox. It looks as if we're seriously going to beat last year's total of 94 or maybe 95 rabbits. Thanks folks. So, first in today is from Lelia who says.
90. " Dear Jane:
These are my two ....
Thanks for hosting the game!!
Fibers used:
Lizbeth Size 20
Col. 161 (Sea Island Citrus )
Lizbeth Size 20
Col. 403 (Winter Ice) Twirlz
Always, Carol (USA),
blogging as Lelia at Stitches of Life II
Next in this morning is from Denise B who says:
91. "This is my lady. I haven't blocked her yet. I enjoyed this one. I'm going to make more in different colors and sizes and holding different things. She took me less than an hour to tat. There are many things I can do with her. I will send photos of her. Well she's off to adventure land to discover the world. Thank you.
Lol, Denise Brant"
92. "I finally finished! And I think it's another winner. I always look forward to this in January. Thank you."
Friday, 17 February 2017
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
15th February - another!
Well it's almost time for our evening meal here in a very wet part of England!!! I've just received Carine's finished lady and she says:
86. "Hi Jane, this is my final work.
Thanks for this Tias , it was a real pleasure so as each time !
Have a nice day"
87. Now it's time for Julie (she translated the whole TIAS into French for me) to send her finished lady and she says:
"And here is my Crinoline Lady ! Such a lovely pattern <3 div="" nbsp="">
Thank you Jane for letting me be part of the adventure again."
88. Next to arrive is Anne-Marie who says:
"Hello Jane,
Sorry to have not communicated to you for this funny TIAS.I began, but a husband' s health problem (not serious but temporarily handicaping ) kept me distant of computer.And above all, I had no time for composing my small message to you with assistance of my favourite book, THE English -French dictionary. But my shuttles worked in spite of this contretemps.So I took photographies and I take the liberty of sending them to day. I made an error and put a ring at the bottom of dress,then I begin again when I noticed the mistake.So the first pictures aren't of same colours than beautiful dress's princess......
I wish I'll find again TIAS 2018 and address to you all my congratulations for all your creations!
Regards....Read you soon.
Anne-Marie Naudin (France)"
I hope everything is now well with your husband, Anne-Marie. Thank you for joining in.
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Slowly coming in
Another finished TIAS has arrived this morning and I'm wondering if we're going to beat last year's offerings and maybe even reach 100!
83. Here's Cheryl's finished lady:
"ok all done. I used white because I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to make it without making mistakes. And sure enough I had three starts before I got it right.
So, she looks like a bride. So I gave her a bouquet.
I think she’s cute.
Thank you Jane."
84. This next finished lady with such a pretty picture comes from Virginie and she says:
"Hi Jane,
Sorry to be late.
This is my final day.
Cinderella : "Sorry, princess, but this hand-kissing is for me !!!"
It was a pleasure to follow all the steps of your tias 2017, Jane.
Thank you for your great organization and your kindness.
Best regards.
Virginie - France - La Rochelle"
85. I've just had a new arrival - Marthanne who says:
"Hello Jane
This is Marthanne, The Berkshire Tatter from Massachusetts in the USA. This sweet lady is made from Lizbeth-20, #170-Pineapple Parfait. I didn't have the proper size bead for her eye, but it is blue. Thank you so much for the making of these TIAS'. I learned two new techniques with this pattern, zigzag chain and alligator join. The first TIAS that I have completed in proper time and passed on to you.
Have a great day."
Thank you for sending the picture in and congratulations for finishing it so soon too!!! Hope to see you next year.
Monday, 13 February 2017
Numbers 80 and onwards!
Number 80 has arrived along with 81.
80. Martha has sent in her finished lady with this comment:
"Here is my lady, including thread end not sewn in, since the weekend is coming to a close and I don't want to wait sending her in. I've tried to give her a little bend at the elbow to pose her for adding a parasol at some later date."
81. Next in is Sanne from The Netherlands and she's saying thank you to Riet who translated the whole TIAS into Dutch.
"Dear Riet and Jane,
Attached is my finished lady. I used Lizbeth 20-117 Country side, and 20-656 Wedgewood Dark.
I'm from the Netherlands but I have no problems with English, so I followed along with you both. Thanks so much for organising and translating this TIAS! It has been a lot of fun, and a mystery until the very end!
I will bring her with me to Tiel this coming meetup, Riet! I hope there'll be a lot of ladies there.
Sincerely, Sanne"
82. Brenda is the next to arrive on a sunny (but still cold) afternoon here in England. She says:
"Hi Jane,
Here is a Valentine lady in Lizbeth #138. Thank you for the pattern and your efforts to run the game. You shared exciting news on Saturday, I'm looking forward to your visit to Canada.
Ontario, Canada"
Sunday, 12 February 2017
Another lady arrives
This morning I only have the one lady to show you. She's lonely so I'm hoping more will arrive during this miserably wet Sunday!
76. This lady is from Lori who says:
"Hi Jane
I think I have sent you a picture of my lady but haven't seen it on the blog. So I am not sure if you got it.
So here she is, I added a flower. The color I used is
lizbeth girly girly #174 size 20.
She must have got lost on the way over, Lori. I've checked and she didn't arrive!!! Pleased she's got here this time!
77. Betty has just arrived (mid evening here) with her finished lady. She says this:
"Dear Jane,
Thank You very much for the nice Tias.
I have made the Ladies with a lot of fun. I made them of:
The lilac version is made of Altin Basak 50 colour 379
The red one is made of Lizbeth 20 colour 147
The brown one is made of Lizbeth colour 150
Nice regards,
Betty Vos from Soest in the Netherlands"
Thank you, Betty. I love the colours you've used.
78. A friend of Dorcas's has just sent in her TIAS as there seems to be a problem at Dorcas's end. Thank you for helping out, Mary.
"Dorcas Newkirk mailed this yesterday but don't think you received it. She lives in Evansville Indiana USA"
79. I've just found Marco's finished lady in another old email box and she says:
"Hello Jane,
Finaly here is my TIAS.
IT is a pretty lady.
Thank You for this lovely TIAS
I made mine with Lisbeth, size 20 and Color 153
Greetings Marco"
Saturday, 11 February 2017
Now at sixty seven
67. First in today is from Bernice who says:
Sadly, I couldn’t guess the TIAS again. Thank you so much for another great way to start the year of tatting. I tatted in size 20 Lizbeth 109 Wild Flower.
Bernice from Calgary AB Canada"
68. Sharon is next with her final day and she says.
"Hi Jane,
Here is my completed TIAS. I would have never guessed. She is a sweet little lady :) Thank you so much for doing the TIAS's. This is only the second one I have done, but I will definitely continue to do them. They are such fun.
Sharon from Iowa"
69. Just back home again and this time I've found Kazia in my inbox. She says:
"Lady in my performance.
It's hot, so I gave her the fan.
Jane, thank you for design and fun. I will gladly participate in future your unexpected challenges.
Kazia ( iza kama)
70. Axa is next in my inbox and this is what she says:
"Dear Jane!
Here is the picture about my TIAS. I am so happy, that I could help some other hungarian ladies to join the quest in this year. I have enjoyed creating the lady very much. I have created a little handfan for her, you can find the tutorial on my blog: www.csipke-csoda.blogspot.hu.
Thank you all of your work with this quest
Happy tatting
Axa - Andrea Lévai"
Thank you for encouraging the other Hungarian ladies, Axa. It's been an honour to meet you all.
71. Next to arrive is Wendy who says:
"Here she is, my Crinoline Lady. The eye is actually shiny blue but came out black.
Well done Jane, another good one to tat and work out.
The thread is an old Coats 20 colour 891
Thanks for the fun. X
Thanks for the fun. X
72. Oh dear, poor Cathlen has been sick. I hope you're better now, though, Cathlen.
"Hello Jane!
I'm sorry I was sick. :-(
Thank you !
Good game TIAS :-) Cathlen"
73. Eliz is next in my inbox with her finished lady. She says:
"Thank you so much for sharing this lovely lady with us. I've really enjoyed tatting her. Having the project broken into small parts was perfect for my needs the last several weeks. I've shared the image in my blog post today (https://tatknot.blogspot.com/2017/02/janes-tias-2017.html) but I also attach it here for your convenience. "
74. Fran is next to arrive with her TIAS. She says:
"Hi Jane
Here is my completed lady tatted in Lizbeth Blue River Glades no.164 size 10. I have so enjoyed making her and look forward to next year. Thank you for all the time and effort that you have put in to this project.
Kind regards
Fran also sent in this picture and comment a short while later.
"She is floating on Martha Ess's Mirror Mirror bookmark tatted in the same colour and Lizbeth Wedgewood Blue. If any ladies want something to follow the TIAS this is something they could try. It involves split rings and also your Joining colours with no blips
"She is floating on Martha Ess's Mirror Mirror bookmark tatted in the same colour and Lizbeth Wedgewood Blue. If any ladies want something to follow the TIAS this is something they could try. It involves split rings and also your Joining colours with no blips
75. Another of the Hungarian tatters - Szylvia - has sent in her finished lady. She has this to say:
"Thank you for the game!
Friday, 10 February 2017
Number 56 and onwards!!!
56. Joanne is the first of my 'overnighters' and this is what she says:
"Thank you for doing the TIAS again this year. My family and friends had lots of fun trying to guess what I was tatting. Joanne Hayes, Santa Claus, IN, USA."
So did I, Joanne!!! At one point even I was wondering 'what came next'!!!
57. Next is Blanche with her George Clooney fixation!!!! She says:
"hello Jane ! I knew George Clooney would have appeared ;-)
Here you are my Tias.
Thank you for giving me so much enjoyment !
58. Next in is from Kay Lynn with her day 9 and onwards and who says:
"Dear Jane,
I apologize for not getting the last few days into you promptly; I was having some technological challenges with my new iPhone. So, here are a couple photos for you at least from my desktop. Again, THANKS so much for doing this. It's been fun and made January a little more tolerable! And I'll make some companions for this lovely lady. Also, wanted to share with you a couple uses for some of your "critter" designs. Love to use these in children's books/ special children's gifts. :-)
Kay Lynn in Tok, Alaska"
59. Liz is next into my inbox with her finished lady. She says:
"Here she is!! That was FUN! Thank you.
She is so cute. I was worried, for a while , because the first long chain bowed outwards and would not sit straight – like the other one – but then as it became clear it was a skirt – it was OK!!!
I had not done the Z-chain stitch before, so I learned something new, too! That needs a bit more practice, though!
I must keep an eye out for another TIAS, - if you ever do another one!!
Hugs, Liz."
60. Krystal is next to arrive with her finished lady. She says:
"Thank you for your wonderful work and pattern. Krystal
California, USA
Crochet Cotton from Michaels "
61. Next in my inbox is Linda who says this:
Thank you so much for all the work you do for us tatters.... Seems like the wait to each Jan. is long and before we know it. The TIAS is over.
The learning, wondering and the fun of tatting. We get to see so many others, who also tat and their work. Thanks for the fun we have and the interesting things you keep us informed about. Love to read our blog and see what you are doing.
62. Finally and before breakfast I have Ninetta who says:
"Dear Mrs Jane,
Thank you so much, I'm pleased to send you a picture of my "signorina", tatted with Lizbeth size 80, color 184. I'm very sorry though, her disproportionate eye would had been perfect for a buttefly, sign that the mutation occured during my execution. Absolutely inappropriate.
Best regards,
63. Shelly has sent in her finished lady with a BIG smiley.
"😍 Shelly"
64. Maglina has just arrived with her finished lady. She says:
"Bonjour Jane.
Merci pour cette jolie dame. J'ai cette année encore pris beaucoup de plaisir a frivoler avec vous.
A l'année prochaine.
Bien cordialement.
Hello Jane.
Thank you for this lovely lady. I once again really enjoyed was frivoler with you.
See you next year.
Best regards.
Maglina Pearl"
What a pretty butterfly, Maglina. Thank you.
65. Here come the six ladies from Katie V. I've been awaiting her next rhyme too!
"Dear Jane,
Six ladies sing "Dance around Jane."
Dressed smartly, they never refrain
To praise TIAS.
Just the best! and, oh, yes,
Thank you, Jane, for you did it again.
Threads used: #20, mostly; hand-dyed thread, by Marilee Rockley, mostly.
Hubs edited my limerick. Good thing!
Well, the grandsons will not be impressed, but I have another idea for these ladies.
Many thanks to all the participants too as they've added much to the fun!
Katie V in North Carolina, north of Raleigh, USA"
66. Denise R is next in the inbox and she says:
"A tad behind but done. I love doing your TIAS every year. I always look forward to it. Thanks for doing them."
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