Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Day 8

I maybe a bit late getting uploads done today as I'm off out with a friend to the nearest Apple store. Just hope I'm not tempted to buy anything!!!

Nancy has arrived overnight with her day 6. She says:
"Finally day 6 complete. I'm still thinking a Victorian lady. 

Claire is next with her day 7. She says:
"Hello Jane and fellow tatters, 
Here is my day 7 and its corresponding blog post. I still don't know what it will be, but I really like the suggestions that it could be a snail or a turtle. Wait and see... 
Have a nice day, "

First in this morning with day 8 is Maureen. She's rabbiting on AGAIN!!
"I thought it might have been a bubble car - but cleverly turned it upside down, because we still have free picots to join on to, and there is the issue of that one Beady Little Eye.....so I have no idea still. But for form's sake, there has to be at least one rabbit in the picture this year, and this is my very old little alabaster bunny."

I'm back and with a rather full inbox!!!
First in is Jaycee who says:
"Good morning, Jane. Not a crinoline lady? Ballerina, perhaps? 

Fiona is next with her day 8 and the following comment.
"Hi Jane 
This is really looking like a butterfly wing now. Can't wait to see day 9. Looking for my seed beads ...I'm sure I'll find them by day 9. 

Jane is going round and round in circles - I think!!!
"Hi Jane,
I’ve turned it this way and that, but I have no idea what it is!"

Tim is the next to arrive and he has a novel idea too.
"I know. It’s a fancy shoe!

Frances is next in my inbox. This is her comment followed by her picture.
"Hi Jane 
Have caught up after demolishing the shop. We now have a 2mth wait for the new one to be built. 
Thank goodness for TIAS to pass some time. I think it is a goldfish.
Tatting in friendship
Frances S
Warwick Australia"

Sonja is the next person waiting in my inbox.
"Hello Jane 
Here my day 08. No snail, I see. You are a master in changing our mind almost every day. My compliments. Sonja from Holland."

Sue should be reported for cruelty to her cat!!! Her EFUS is sitting on top of it!!!
"It's a very odd shaped EFUS! Are you trying to tell me it isn't?? Incidentally, it's standing on the cat's back!!"

Oh, NO. Patricia has excelled herself yet again. What a clever idea for a TIAS. If that's not the answer to this one it could be the answer to a future one. What do you think?
"I'm turtley not giving up! 
Patricia Lyn Cobb 

P Melanie doesn't know the answer to the mystery either!
"No clue."

Next to arrive is Gea with her days 4, 5, 6 and 7 and who still seems to be puzzled!!
"Hello Jane, 
Well you still have me guessing..a skirt? A melon? Pumpkin?? Or the hat of a rich person..so I will keep on tatting... 

Irene is thinking 'butterfly' like a few others. I wonder if she's right?
"Hi Jane, 
Day 8 and I think about a butterfly ;) 

Next in is Muskaan who says:
"Hi Jane 
Yes, definitely a gown ! Glad I chose a colourway that is reminiscent of Victorian velvets ;-) 
Happy shopping - the :"early lark" gets more in her bag ! 
muskaan :-) 
Love your picture, Muskaan.

Next in is Nancy with her days 7 and 8. She says:
"Catching up with day 7&8. I think we have half a butterfly.

Elirosa is next with her day 8. She says:
"Buon pomeriggio Jane, 
concluso anche l' ottavo giorno senza che mi si accendesse nessuna lampadina. Probabilmente il mio cervello é un po' stanco ☺☺. 
La saluto cordialmente 

Good afternoon, Jane,
also concluded the 'eighth day without turning on me any light bulb. Probably my brain is a bit 'tired ☺☺.
Cordial greetings

Carole has just arrived with her day 8 and she's another 'Madam Butterfly' too!!!
"Hi Jane, Looks like we may have a butterfly. If so, mine will be very colourful. Carole" 

Annie is another butterfly lady too. She says:
"Hi Jane,
On Day 8, I think I had one of butterfly's wing... but I still confuse..
Happy Tatting,"

Melanie has sent in her day 8:

Cathlen has just finished her days 7 and 8 and has sent in this comment and picture:
"Hi Jane!
TIAS finished the 7's and 8's part.
I have not worked in the thread, but it's available,
desirable, the important thing to succeed.
I still can not I realize what will this do?
But soon it turns out be sure!:-)
Hi: Cathlen Hungary"

I think Linda needs to get her eyes tested!!! See what she calls me - a lady!!!! I've never been a 'lady' Linda - just an old git!!!
"Hey Lady! 
Here's day 8... I still need to load my shuttles for the 2nd half of your pattern. 
I'm guessing maybe a butterfly at this point? 
Linda Barnes"

The next arrival is from Denise R who has sent in day 7 in this picture.

AnSo has just arrived with her day 8. She's another butterfly lady!!!
"Hi Jane !!
This is my day 8.
It looks like a butterfly wing.
AnSo Alia "

Caroline also thinks it's a butterfly!!! Here's her comment!
"Hello Jane,
With this step I come back to butterfly profile view.. like Facebook ;)
But I’m pretty sure to make a mistake seen your tortuous spirit J

Next to arrive is Fran who asks a good question. The answer is whatever you like!!!! Perhaps the same thread would look better, though.
"Dear Jane 
Here is my Day 8. It looks very pretty and perhaps a one-eyed butterfly is in the offing? 
By the way, are we using the same coloured thread for Day 9? 

Hmmmmm, is Wendy being very 'English' in her comment?
"I think it might be a tea or coffee pot "

Mary thinks her great grandchild is right:
"Think my great grandchild is right a beautiful butterfly"

Coretta's managed to do her day 8 in spite of being very busy:
"Today it looks like a butterfly wing. 
I have a large family so laundry day begins on Monday and lasts till Wednesday. So another day of folding and instructing children on it.

Anna's day 8 is next. Jolimama sent it in for her.
"Kedves Jane! Anna elkészült, küldöm a munkáját.
Barátsággal: Jolimama

Dear Jane! Anna is ready, I will send the job.
Friendship Joli Mama"

Finally today I have Marty who has been experimenting! This is her picture and comment:
"Day 8 tonight! What I have done so far is day 7 -- with additions. I think this is a hat and I've made additions to show the beaded top and feathers. ;) I'll probably look really silly wearing whatever it really is on my head."
What a clever idea, Marty. I can really see that being the answer. BUT!!!!!!

Monday, 30 January 2017

Monday and more 7's

Tomorrow will be day 8. You have been 'warned'!!!!

First in today is from Bernice who has a good guess at a teacup!
"Hi Jane, 
I have attached Day 7 and this looks like a teacup but then I’m standing on my head. 
Bernice in Western Canada"

Denise is next in the inbox with this comment and picture:
"Well with only 3 more rings I really can't say what this will be at all. My husband and one of my sisters are seeing cactus. I don't see the cactus. Another sister can't stop seeing my bandit that I sent in for day 6. I'm looking forward to day 8. 
Actually that picture makes this year's TIAS look like the pram we did a few years ago!!!

Rose Anne has summed up some of the guesses in her comment:
"OK I've caught up on Day 7 of the tatting mystery. Again I'm still at a loss what this will be! Some guesses are hot air balloon, turtle, fancy crinoline dress, teapot to name a few from my friends. 
Rose Anne Burdeny "

Stephanie Grace has put a LOT of thought into her comment - I'm flattered that you've taken the time and written it all down, Stephanie Grace. Food for thought.
"There I sat, in my silent living room, shuttles dangling as I let out such a scream that even my turtle's facial features contorted into a look of concern. "Eureka!" I screamed, "I was right! This is most certainly the hair from The Bride of Frankenstein!" To confirm my suspicions, I quickly grabbed a piece of paper and began to sketch out the details when one jarring detail rang out in my head: "One bead will be needed..." 
The fear and shock of being so wrong hit me all at once. "Nooooo," I cried out as dropped the monstrosity in my hands. "A cycloptic bride with a white-grey streak in her electrified hair? The horror! The shame! The pain!!!" Tears blurred my vision. My stomach churned with sympathy for the poor bride. I ran to the lavatory (not to be confused with the laboratory) and, as I passed the mirror above the sink, two things stopped me in my tracks: The first was the predominant white streak that had suddenly appeared in my own lovely tresses; the second was a dangling entity emerging from my pocket. It seemed to mock me as I released it from its cloth prison. Putting it down on the nearest surface, I quickly took a picture, but I was feeling so faint that I couldn't make sense of its rings and chains... As I passed out, though, I swear it was singing a song: "I'm a one-eyed, one-horned, flying blue-green people eater."

Linda is the last one in my inbox at the moment and she says:
"I had to stitch 3 rings today. Glad I wasn't very busy so I could get it dome. 
I still have no clue. I have much other tatting to do. Check back later. 
Enjoy your day. 
Linda "

Next in is Diane with her day 7 and it looks as if this TIAS may have broken her fear of split rings too!!!
"I looked for Day 7 first thing this morning. I must be getting better with split rings. I managed to finish before my first cup of coffee! This is by far the fanciest letter D I have ever seen!"

Coretta has managed to do her day 7 in the midst of a very busy day. Here's her comment:
"Very small section today.
Today is Laundry day. So this was a very short diversion. :) "

Next to drop in is Martha who said:
"Here's my next installment. No good guesses, yet. I'd have to say the skirt, with a bit of a train, for an Elizabethan lady. But it actually looks like that and usually what it really is isn't clear until much later."

Last one in today is from Sue who says:
"Dear Jane
I was guessing teacup but then turned another way it's a teapot!
I really love the turtle illustrations by
Patricia Lyn Cobb! So many creative guesses!
Sue - Washington state"

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Sunday's day 7's

Good morning fellow tatters.

First in this morning is from Denise. She says:
"I can't believe it's day 7 already. See!! The frogs behind is getting bigger. This is such fun. Thanks, Jane! 
Denise Wessman"
Just LOVE your picture, Denise.

Next to arrive in my inbox while I was snoring my head off is Linda. She says:

"Day 7 of T.I.A.S. 

Is it a lamp shade or a skirt? :) 

Linda Barnes "

I'm not answering that question, Linda!!!!

Sarah's next with a lovely rhyme too. Don't know how you do it, Sarah.
"Good morning Jane, 

My big balloon I still can see 
but I think in the end it will not be 
I’ve played this game before with you 
and one thing I have learned is true… 
what I see early on 
in the end is clearly gone! 

Bring on day eight 
I can’t wait. : ) 

Annie is the last in my inbox this morning and she says:
"Dear Jane, 
Here is mine of Day 7, 
Tatting on Lunar New Year..so Gong Xi.. Gong Xi, Jane 
and thank you for this fun activity 
Happy Tatting from Indonesia, 
What a colourful picture.

With her day 7 I now have Ania. WHAT a pretty shuttle.
My name is Ania Krause
This is my work - 7 Day TIAS 2017"

Yet another tatter has been playing catch up. This is the reason I give a few days between the uploads of the pattern pieces. It's so people can catch up and so that I can too!!!
"I've been playing catch up, but I made myself not peek from one day's pattern to the next! Here are Days 5,6, & 7! 
Patricia Lyn Cobb 

Emilia is the next in this afternoon with her days 6 and 7. She says:
"Good morning Jane, well afternoon it is now. 
you keep us nice busy guessing. I have no clue either. What will the new part bring? 
Kind regards 

AnSo is back now with her day 7. Here's her comment:
"Hi Jane, 
This is my day 7. I have no idea ! 
Thank you 
AnSo Alia"

Julie has just sent in her day 7 with this picture.

The next to arrive in my inbox is Elisabetta. She says:
"Buongiorno Jane, 
Auguro a lei una buona domenica con il mio 7 giorno. 
La confusione più totale su cosa possa essere. Spero che i prossimi giorni diano degli indizi utili alla soluzione. 
Un abbraccio 

Hello Jane, 
I wish you a good Sunday with my 7 days. 
The total confusion about what it might be. I hope that the next few days give the clues to the solution. 
A hug 

Celine is next with her days 6 and 7 and she's still sure she knows what it's going to be!
"Bonjour Jane. Voici mes jours 6 et 7 aux navettes et a l'aiguille. Mon spoutnik a dubtrop manger, il a grossi des fesses... 
Bon dimanche. Céline 

Hello Jane. Here are my days 6 and 7 to the shuttle and the needle. My Sputnik dubtrop eat it swelled buttocks ... 
Good Sunday. Céline"

Carine has just joined us after trying to find time!!! I'm so glad you're not so busy now, Carine.
"Hi Jane, 
I had forst no much time to participate but as you know I can not resist to you Tias. 
So I decide to participate anyway and please find here my contribution for the day 7 
I am sure it will be a wonderfull butterfly no doubt !"
I hope it is, Carine.  A lot of people think it's a butterfly but Patricia is convinced it's a turtle still!!

Katie is the next person to arrive with her little 'gang' of day 7's. This picture is a work of art, I think.  Katie says:
"Hi, Jane, 
Well, really now, three rings were not enough to enlighten us about what we are tatting! 
Bet Day 8 takes up the side and we won't be any the wiser! Maybe Day 9 will be elucidating? 
BC3 has outdone herself this year! Thanks for fun! 
Katie V in NC"
I apologise, Katie but I'm also smiling too!!

Carole has just dropped into my inbox with her day 7.
"What could it be?…..only Jane knows for sure. Carole"
Do you really think I know?

Shirley has the answer. At long last. OR does she?
"Yes, it is Mlle Riego herself!"
LOVE the drawing, Shirley.

Next to arrive is Kay Lynn who says:
"Well Jane, You are indeed providing entertainment. Have NO clue at this point, but noticed mine almost looked like a deflated hot air balloon as I scanned it this a.m. Ha! :-) Even my brilliant Bernese Mt. Dogs are at a loss this a.m. Nevertheless, they thought they'd send an early Valentine to you for exercising their brains. They like challenges too."
Geee, thanks, Kay Lynn - can't remember when I last had a love letter. 

Catherine has followed in shortly after with her day 7. She says:
"Bonsoir Jane, 
Voici mon jour 6 avec toujours autant de questions..... un cheval bascule, une baleine ?????...... 

Goodnight Jane,
Here are my 6 day with still so many questions ..... a rocking horse, a whale ...... ?????
Oooooh, I like the rocking horse idea but not sure about the whale!!!!

Bev is here next with her day 7 and she hasn't a clue what it is either!!! This is what she says:
"Hi Jane 
Here is my Day 7. Two more joining picots.........hmmm. Nope. BC 3 has certainly got me beat. 

I've fallen for the colours on the next picture from Christine. Aren't they pretty together. She says:
"Hi Jane 
You have us all stumped as to what this year's TIAS will turn into! 
My guess is that it is a caterpillar in chrysalis, waiting to turn into a pretty butterfly. :) 
Picture attached. 
Hope your weekend is going well! 
-Christine in Alabama"