I'm finally getting around to sending my picture of my finished lighthouses. I had to remember to tat my chains A LOT looser than I normally do or else I'd only get halfway to where I was supposed to join! ~Becky

Hi Sherry,
Thank you for doing the TIAS 4. I really enjoyed participating. Here is the picture of my Lighthouse.~J.B. Satsuma, AL

Sorry but I got behind on the TIAS. I had to do 200 small motifs for a friend who needed them asap!!! Then I lost my pieces for a day or two but found them buried!!! Anyway, it was fun to be on the receiving end and I didn't guess what it was until it was finished and then only because you said what it was!!!! I'm a bit dense at times over these things!!! Still, it's a lovely pattern and idea. Well done. ~Jane E.

Sherry, Been out of town, but now I'm home and here's my finished Oregon Lighthouse Bookmark! It does need blocked. You had me fooled clear to the end as I was just sure it was a Korean building, door, or something with the Korean influence. Thank you so much for doing this for us all. I've learned several things in the process.Karen in OR where we do have lighthouses


Hello Sherry,
Here is the finished Lighthouse. The nearest I got was the Empire State Building!!

Hi Sherry!
Here is my lighthouse. I did not send each day's progress but have been following along. It was a great pattern. Thank you for sharing. I have not pressed it yet, but I think it looks pretty good. I used Altin Basak thread, so it is a little smaller than size 20 would have been. ~Marie Smith

Thanks for the TIAS I enjoyed it. Any mistakes don't blame me. My great grandson Aracin started school this year and I am not use to tatting when it is so quite, still trying to get use to it. ~Sharon D.

I loved it! You did such a great job of keeping the
mystery alive! I had to run down to the beach this morning
and snap a picture of the Lighthouse Bookmark! LOL!~TattingChic :)

Hi Sherry. Here is my finished Lighthouse. I guessed correctly. Yippee. Congratulations to all the other participants who also guessed correctly, but most of all my thanks and appreciation go to you for arranging this TIAS 4. I have learnt so much doing this project.~Pam
Hampshire UK.

Hi sherry,
I have finished your T.I.A.S
what fun.and I am excited that I had the right guess.
it is a little lopsided because I haven't blocked it yet, I wanted to get it posted now that it is finished. Blocking would have taken another day. ~Thanks again for the fun.
Jeanne (ladytats) NATA #39

Here is my finished lighthouse, mine is definately Great Point Light in Nantucket as i had never seen one with the little porcgey bit and pitched roof over the doorway. but having read what you said and looked up lighthouses in Oregan i see that they have them like that too. thanks for the fun this will be put in a plastic sleeve and treasured. TatsKool

Here it is finished. You did a great job! It's beautiful, useful and I had NO idea! Thanks for all the time you put into this for us.

Whoopee finished........... well, it ended up being a house even tho I said doghouse LOL.
Thank you for a lot of fun and mystery.

Here is my completed lighthouse. It was fun to make. Thank you for your TIAS. Not to sure of my colors but this is it.
Mobile, Al.