Friday, 30 January 2015

Day 9 and more continued

Late this morning - sorry. I'll be on time tomorrow for day 10, though!

First in this morning is Kat who says:-
"Better late than never! I didn't get a chance to work on it until late last night. Now I'm completely stumped. I can see scissors, a bunny, and a mystery. Can't wait for the next one!! 
(now I feel like a champ at split rings) 
That makes two of us late, Kat!!!

Next to arrive is Grace who says:-
"Hi Jane, Grace C here. Hmm that curve makes me think of scorpions. but then maybe because I just watched a movie with scorpions in it... 
My shuttle is the starlit shuttle, its quite huge perfect for holding lots of thread."

Sharon has just arrived with her day 9. She says:-
"Hi Jane, day 9. Such fun. Thanks so ,u h for your creativity"

Next in my inbox is Donna who has once again caught up with us. She says:-"Hi Jane,
I have not checked in for several days. I am now caught up through day 9! I can't wait to see what it is....I think my tatting must not be very consistant as it looks a bit out of proportion. :) You are greatly appreciated for all the work you put it to the Tat it and See projects! You are so good about keeping us guessing. I really am not sure what it is. I figured it must be and animal of some kind, but the scissors idea looks to be a good one. I love doing the different stitches!'
Donna from Kansas"

A new arrival this morning is Karen who has sent in her days 1 to 9. Welcome aboard planet TIAS, Karen.
"Hello Jane,
Here is my TIAS through Day 9 made from Cotton Candy Lizbeth. It may well be a sea critter.
Thanks for the fun.
Karen in OR"

Finally I have from the overnight emails - Kelly who says:-
"Well. There goes my dragon fly idea! I give up! There's still quite a bit of thread on the shuttles so it could be anything really. Scissors?"

The next person to pop into my inbox is Helene who says:-
"Hi Jane,
Well, I am back to scissors! But are we really? Only time will tell.
Am enjoying this!
Catrin has arrived next into my inbox. She says:-
"Finally here is my day 9. Now a few years ago we tatted Capricorn .. could this be Scorpio ? With a sting in his split ring tail ?

Finally today I have Wendy's day 9. Sadly she's given up - well, so she says.
"I give up....

1 comment:

muskaan said...

I Know what it is on day 9 : it is a Hook attached to the tooth . This contraption keeps the tooth Firmly in place since the hook hooks on to the jaw bone. No more visits to the dentist for life !
You are a sci-fi, engineering genius, Jane ;-D