I've just remembered that Marty sent this link in too. Just too funny. Is that you singing,
Here's Suneala's contribution but she also says
"Had a little difficulty while I was closing the ring with the bead. Is there a better way to close it?" Sunela, you're not the only one to suffer this problem. I will try and explain it in a new page on my 'Tips and Techniques" section of my web site.
Here's Suneala's contribution but she also says
"Had a little difficulty while I was closing the ring with the bead. Is there a better way to close it?" Sunela, you're not the only one to suffer this problem. I will try and explain it in a new page on my 'Tips and Techniques" section of my web site.

Next hippo is Janet's in a very pretty thread. I am guessing that it's a Flora thread. Am I right, Janet? 
Ah, Marty's just dropped in again with this link!!!

Ah, Marty's just dropped in again with this link!!!
Half past ten at night and past my bedtime but I just had to add Jenny Griffin's hippo called Hattie. LOVE the colours, Jenny. What thread did you use?

Monday morning - just gone eight o'clock and I'm back to add more hippos!!!
The first in this morning is from Utlinde from Germany.
The first in this morning is from Utlinde from Germany.

Last one in this morning (before shower and porridge!) is from Babette Garman. This is what she said about getting her hippo over to the UK!!
"Hopefully attached file has scan of Sheila the Hippo; apologies for taking so long to send scan, but as soon as she saw the surf report I had great trouble catching up with her."

"Hopefully attached file has scan of Sheila the Hippo; apologies for taking so long to send scan, but as soon as she saw the surf report I had great trouble catching up with her."

I will now blog these and add any others that bumble by as they arrive. Off to start the 'non tatting' related part of the day.
Lunch over, aged parent sorted, tea drunk with friend and now I'm back with a few more hippos who have come in while I've been out!

Lunch over, aged parent sorted, tea drunk with friend and now I'm back with a few more hippos who have come in while I've been out!
This hippo is from Marjan Groenveld-Klomp - she says
"Hippo tsunami.... and another hippo, and another, and another but this time a Dutch/Belgium one! - can you still find a place for him?!"
Of course I can - the more the better!
"Hippo tsunami.... and another hippo, and another, and another but this time a Dutch/Belgium one! - can you still find a place for him?!"
Of course I can - the more the better!

Next one to arrive is from Margaret Jenkins. She said
"One hippo lumbering your way, hope it arrives O.K.!"
Thanks, Margaret. I do like the thread you've used - your hippo looks as if he's got a cheesy grin on his face!!
"One hippo lumbering your way, hope it arrives O.K.!"
Thanks, Margaret. I do like the thread you've used - your hippo looks as if he's got a cheesy grin on his face!!

Now we have an albino hippo!!! This is from Mary Harris in Indy. Here's her message.
"Albert, the albino hippo. Thanx so much. He is sooooo cute. It was a challenge, but doing it as a group and seeing how the others were doing really helped. "
"Albert, the albino hippo. Thanx so much. He is sooooo cute. It was a challenge, but doing it as a group and seeing how the others were doing really helped. "

Well we now have 49 hippos on the blog postings. WHAT a lot of critters, eh? I'm only hoping that they don't start fighting - or even worse - start breeding!! My computer will start groaning under their weight!!!
Here's an interesting link about hippos - it was in yesterday's Sunday Times.
Here's an interesting link about hippos - it was in yesterday's Sunday Times.
Next in is Kathy Lowe's hippo all the way from Anaheim. This is what she had to say.
"Here's my hippo. The colors I chose plus the motifs in the body remind me of a stuffed hippo (named Hippy) that I was very fond of as a kid."

Nearly bedtime and the last few on this posting.
Just in is this pair from Kristina aka Spinn, in Sweden. This is what she said.
"I don't really know if my animals are hippos, but I had fun!"

This next one is from Mary Jarvis. She says.
"Another hippo for the bloat!". Thanks for the hippo and the other link too.

"Here's my hippo. The colors I chose plus the motifs in the body remind me of a stuffed hippo (named Hippy) that I was very fond of as a kid."

Cora Martin's hippo has just bumbled in. Here he is!!

Gordon said.
"Gwen said after mastering the SR I was away. I would never have tried something so complicated in one go, it has given me so much confidence."
"Gwen said after mastering the SR I was away. I would never have tried something so complicated in one go, it has given me so much confidence."

Nearly bedtime and the last few on this posting.
Just in is this pair from Kristina aka Spinn, in Sweden. This is what she said.
"I don't really know if my animals are hippos, but I had fun!"

This next one is from Mary Jarvis. She says.
"Another hippo for the bloat!". Thanks for the hippo and the other link too.

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