Thursday 16 February 2023

Thursday’s arrivals

Another day, another batch (hopefully) of ‘aliens.

45.    First in is Mimi who says 

“Hello Jane,
Thanks for the TIAS this year! The antennae picots were an interesting challenge, and very appropriate for the design.
Mimi Dillman
Snohomish, WA USA
Size 20 hand dyed by Karey Solomon (too long ago to have a colorway name)
Tatted with Shuttles
Bye for now

46.    The next person to arrive this morning is Annna who says

“Jane buongiorno, mi vergogno ad inviarti il mio Robot, ci sono tanti errori ma sono riuscita a finirlo. Mi sono divertita ed ho imparato nozioni nuove. Grazie mille e spero che la prossima volta andrà meglio. Un abbraccio
Jane good morning, I am ashamed to send you my Robot, there are so many mistakes but I managed to finish it. I had fun and learned new concepts. Thank you so much and I hope next time will be better. A hug

Beh, Annna, ho visto molto da vicino il tuo alieno e mi sembra MOLTO buono. Non vedo errori e ti ammiro molto per averlo fatto quando non avevi una foto di quello che stavi facendo
Well, Annna I've had a very close look at your alien and he looks VERY good to me. I see no mistakes and admire you greatly for making him when you didn't have a picture of what you were making. 

47.    Betty is next to arrive and this is what she has to say

“Dear Jane
It was great fun to follow the tias and until the last day I thought it was a swimmer or a monkey. I made the alien with shuttles and thread nr 20 lizbeth. I live in the netherlands and I send you the photo of it. 
Many thanks and regards
Betty Vos- den Blanken”

Thank you for taking part, Betty - I’m glad you enjoyed it. 

48.    Now I have a ‘troop’ of aliens who have arrived all together on one spaceship or flying saucer!!! Katie has sent them and she says

“Dear Jane and fellow tatters,
Hasn't TIAS been the best fun! Here's a limerick in honor of our Jane and TIAS (hubby edits my limericks as I have a meterless ear!)

A big “thank you” to Jane’s BC3 --
Kept us guessing on what was to be.
While we worked on our skills,
As we tatted our drills,
Found an alien and then set him free.

Threads used for the aliens: the purple is Lizbeth 20; blue, red and yellow are Häkelgarn 20; and the green is Omega 30.
Thank you again, dear Jane and fellow tatters! You are all so clever!! 
Katie V in North Carolina, USA”

Thank you to YOU too, Katie for bringing so many aliens to life and for the limerick too.  Say thanks to your husband too, please. 

49. Lindy has just arrived with her little alien and she has this to say.

“Hello Jane,

Day 14, the last part. I really enjoyed the TIAS this year with a friendly waiving Alien as a result. Also learned some new techniques in a playful manner. I used Lizbeth 20, pastel petals nr 186.
About 10 years ago I saw some tatting on the internet and wanted to know how it was made. Bought a shuttle in February 2014, found a short explanation in an old craft book from my mom and gave it a try. After struggling a few hours, I got the "flip" and like to tat since then.
Many thanks for your funny ideas, your clear explanations and all your efforts to keep us busy in a pleasant way!
Greetings from the south of The Netherlands, 

Thank you, Lindy.  It keeps me busy too which all my friends and neighbours are pleased about as they hardly see me for six weeks while it’s all going on!!!!


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