Saturday 18 February 2023


Saturday - early evening and no sign of an alien ALL DAY!!!! 

There must be an intergalactic transport strike!!!  The chief alien (mine!) has arrived to see if he can find out what the problem is.  Are they striking for more pay or better working conditions in their flying saucers/spaceships?

54. Almost bedtime and an alien arrived from Wilma. She says

“Ecco il mio umanoide, grazie Jane per aver ideato questo bellissimo e interessante progetto che con l' aiuto di Imparare con Alicja sono riuscita a realizzare con grande soddisfazione. Un grazie di cuore e un caro saluto. 
Here is my humanoid, thank you Jane for having created this beautiful and interesting project that with the help of Learning with Alicja I was able to carry out with great satisfaction. A big thank you and a warm greeting

Sono così felice che ti sia piaciuto il TIAS e spero di incontrarti di nuovo in futuro, Wilma
I'm so glad you've enjoyed the TIAS and I hope to meet you again in the future, Wilma


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